Title: It‘s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 12
Spoilers: Through Season 2
Word Count: 3067
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon still owns this.
AN: I love your guys. Words cannot express how grateful I am to y’all. So, instead I will sing some Queen to you!
You’re my sunshine
And I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you
You’re my
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Comments 72
Seriously, though, way to bring the heat! Awesome chapter. Cant wait to see what's next.
Go Annie!
And I loved the tone of this chapter, it's just so sunny and warm and happy, I love seeing Annie enjoying life, she deserves it and she deserved being showered with attention from guys, boy she needs that to heal her wounded self-esteem, I'm usually a territorial shipper stan but lately in the season I've become more of a "whatever-makes-Annie-happy" stan so I like to see her finally getting all the attention she deserves and blossoming, my beautiful precious girl <3
And the way she greeted Jeff BEST BUUUURN! EVER.
Hi, I'm Katya, and I'm your fanfic addict ;)
I really was worried that I was telegraphing Jeff showing up. I thought it might be too obvious. I didn't want to keep them apart much longer, even though Jeff in pain was apparently a fan favorite.
And as far as gifs go, I really like the boy with the party hat and the dancing hamburger. Not that I expect anything.
You know how much I appreciate your continued support.
YES, that gorgeous beautiful nice girl (anyone who tells me she isn't the prettiest in all of Greendale area IS. JUST. WRONG!) was shut down by 4 GUYS during ONE YEAR, something's not right with the Universe.
I really was worried that I was telegraphing Jeff showing up. I thought it might be too obvious.
Nope, to be honest I didn't expect him to show up so soon at all (I thought maybe they wouldn't even see each other until she came back (I always prepare myself for the hardest possible outcome so that any little mishaps on the way seem insignificant in comparison), I mean the trip is only 3 weeks long,not an eternity apart *gg*) I just didn't allow myself hope to see them on one continent any chapter soon, but it's better this way, 'cause it was a shocking surprise of a pleasant variety :D
Jeff in pain was apparently a fan favorite. We are all vengeful here,hehe, and the way he treated Annie, especially the last past of the season, he deserved PAIN. AND LOTS OF IT. *has bloodthirsty eyes* ( ... )
I can't understand if they're trying to subvert expectations with this whole 'Annie can't get a man' thing or if she's not supposed to actually be as pretty as Alison Brie is, like happens on television all the time.
I can't find either of the gifs that I was talking about, but they both show up in party posts alot, so you've probably seen at least one of them before.
Pssht, boys!
This was pure amazingness.
Post the next chapter....now.
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