Title: It‘s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 17
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 6082
Rating: R (for language)
Disclaimer: I guess I own Sergio? Maybe? But none of the rest of it.
AN: Whew! Holy cow you guys. We‘ve arrived at chapter seventeen. This chapter is going out to
fangirl_101 , who quite randomly requested several weeks ago in the ’Ficcy Friday’
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Comments 101
Livejournal is impossible when being used from the phone and since I could never wait to get to a computer to read your update, I would read on my cell and then forget to post a reply once I got to an actual computer.
I am very very sorry.
I love this and cannot wait for more.
Fantastic ending.
Oh and how sad is it that people can understand an I Love Lucy reference but fail to grasp a Gidget one...
Anyway, looking forward to more!
You are preaching to the choir on that phone thing. My home internet is sucky at best right now and I've been trying to improvise, and it's the worst.
I'm so happy that you're still reading though. I thought I'd lost you!
I Love Lucy was so over-rated. Ugh.
Thanks for reading!
Oh and I totally agree about I Love Lucy. Not only was it over-rated, it still is over-rated,
That said, Good to see that Jeff realizes the truth about Sergio. ;)
I'm so happy to hear I wrote a convincing erection. That will come in handy at...wait. No, that's never going to be useful.
First of all, that list was a SPOILER! And it was the reason you claim to have called Rich/Sergio, so nothing on that list counts anymore. Secondly, Vicky and Neil were kind of a joke. But if you want a little sumfin sumfin written for them, I'll see what I can do.
Ugh. How did... I wasn't referring to his physical reaction. Seriously, is your mind always in the gutter?
You can't just let that go can you? I thought we agreed to disagree on the Rich/Sergio thing. Why can't we just be friends?
And as much as I love your writing... I don't actually need anything with Vicki/Neil. Thank you so much though.
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I promise they aren't going to argue about Rich or Sergio or other women, but they have issues that aren't going to disappear that they will have to discuss at some point.
Annie loves him and Jeff is realizing that he may feel the same way. I'm not going to have one of them randomly marry someone else, or any other stupid contrivance.
Thank you for reading!
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Not to be taken completely seriously, but it amuses me so I have to say it:
While the front of his mind has just caught up on the idea that he really does want Annie, the back of his mind is already thinking of (planning on?) putting babies in her *gg*
I figured out what feeling this chapter has that makes it so exhilarating, it's the feeling of freedom, it was what lacked before in Jeff's mind, because he is constantly constricting and controlling himself around Annie and here he just kind of slowly let go and it was magical and freeing and wonderful and open, honest!Jeff is definitely my favourite Jeff and just*sigh* Whatever future (evil that is you ;)) brings this chapter will definitely get me through any grim times <3 I wasn't quick to declare any favourites amongst chapters before because the story isn't finished yet but this is DEFINITELY my favourite chapter so far, but I'm sure you can top it.
So, this chapter worked for you then? I'm really happy that you liked this, because when I was writing it, it seemed a little too happy too soon, but I wanted them to actually relax. I didn't plan the kiss ahead of time, but they had been so cute that I just went for it, and apparently it worked.
Also, wet kissing is a popular thing.
Jeff isn't really sure what is happening, but he's actually listening to his instincts now instead of pushing them all down into their respective places in his brain.
This made me all light and happy. I'm really really happy that you liked this as much as you did. You might need to come back and re-read this one to remember how much you love me (and this story) at some point in the future.
I'm so happy you liked the chapter though. Poor Rich. He just can't get any fan-love, can he?
Thanks for reading!
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