First of all, your votes...
x Name: Micailah
Age: 18
Stamped as: Mist (Affinity: Water, Matches: Edward & Mia, Best Friends: Rolf & Mia, Parents: (Looks) Nephenee & Sephiran, (Personality) Ranulf & Lucius)
Are you re-applying? If so, which was your class? Nope.
[All About You]
Describe your personality: Overall, I'm a pretty relaxed person. I like to go with the flow and I don't stress out about things. I'm understanding and non-judgemental, and I have trouble holding grudges and hating people. I'm caring and loving, there's almost nothing I love more than a big warm hug. <3 Man, that sounded cheesy. XD I'm also goofy, I love making jokes and I really don't take things seriously. Um...I'm actually pretty smart too. I'm trying not to make this sound self-absorbed...but I have a pretty high IQ and puzzles of any sort are one of my favorite pastimes. I'm also somewhat creative, being an artist and all, though when I look at other artists I don't feel I'm as creative as they are. I'm stunned whenever my best friend writes a song, 'cause I couldn't do that to save my life.
What do you value the most? My friends, family & pets above all else I guess.
Where could you be found on the battlefield?: Supporting I suppose. Like, right behind the frontline. I don't see myself as the type that could just go into a group of enemies and survive. XD Once the stronger people attacked, I'd go in and pick the survivors off.
Weapon of Choice?: I wouldn't use anything solely close-range 'cause they're all flesh-piercing wouldn't be able to deal with that. I can't spill blood on me and my weapon. (I'm shivering just thinking about it DX) So either bow & arrows or magic.
Imagine you had a theme-song that played everytime you appeared. Which song would it be?:
Evolution of Music for sure. <3 (the song from 4:39 to 6:58)
[It's All About The Choices]
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I don't like the pressure of being a leader, and as long as the person in charge isn't condescending or a total imbecile, I have no problem taking orders.
Alone or in Group?: In a group. There's safety in numbers! :D
Close or Long-range?: Long, as explained above.
Carefully plan your strategy before-hand or improvise as you go along?: Well, I sorta look at what enemies there are, how many, where they are, who their leader is & what the terrain's like, then I quickly decide who's going where and who's taking who. I have to have at least some kind of strategy.
Run or fight?: If it's hopeless and my teammates are retreating, run. Otherwise, fight. I don't mind running, but I won't do it unless everyone else is too. I couldn't live with myself if I fled and something happened to my friends.
[All About Your World]
Imagine you could choose 2 Fire Emblem characters to fight by your side. Who would you pick and why?: Hurrm...well, I think Tormod first of all. In my experience he's always been very reliable and tough, and has never really needed protecting, and magic is so versatile and useful. Plus he's just such a cheery, energetic, helpful cutie-face. XD I'd undoubtedly be scared on the battlefield, and I think he'd be reassuring. As for the second one...I'm torn between Gatrie and Kieran. My brother refers to Gatrie as "The Tank in Blue" and I whole-heartedly agree. He's basically a powerful wall. XD I'd feel very safe behind him. And he's sweet and hilarious. Kieran's not quite as strong, but he gets bonus points for being on a horse. He's always been one of those characters I can just send into enemy territory and not have to worry about. I'd feel safe with him too. (I mean jeez, the man can take an axe to the head XD) And he's endlessly amusing.
How would you convince them to help you?: Honestly, if I asked any of them for help I don't think they'd say no. They're all such nice guys. :D
Your group was surrounded by enemies and there is no way to escape. On top of that, one of them is injured! What do you do?: Give them a vulnerary or make sure a healer gets to them, then try to protect them.
If you were told that you needed to murder someone in order to help your friends would you do it?: You mean off the battlefield? It'd depend on whether my friends' lives were in danger or not. If not, I don't think I could do it.
As you're walking through a small town, you find a poor family with two children who are starving! They ask you for some money, but you need it to buy weapons and supplies for your group! What do you do?: I'd give them my food instead.
Describe the kind of clothing you would wear: Ummm...I'd sayyyy...cargo short shorts 'cause they're comfy and give me full mobility (and I love the way they look XD), thigh-high boots to protect my legs somewhat, a tank top, fingerless gloves that start at the tops of my arms, and maybe a little ribbon in my hair. I don't think I'd wear any armor 'cause it's too heavy. And if I was a mage I'd have a cape. Mages have to have capes.