Once again, Leonard woke to the music of churches, nice and soft and praising a new day. Unlike the past week, though, his head wasn't so groggy, his heart so heavy, and he didn't need to be anywhere. He'd had a small breakthrough in his battle against aviophobia. Nowhere near cured -- he couldn't look out a window to save his lunch -- but at least he was ignoring things enough to pretend this was normal life for him. For any Human. Part of the trick was just moving on. Doing what you were put there to do and making connections with the people around you.
Case in point, he'd made
plans for brunch with Schuyler. He was looking forward to that. She was always entertaining to talk to, and could certainly
settle his ass when he needed it. And actually, he still felt bad about that. She hadn't deserved it, and now that she'd been
under the weather, Leonard wanted to do something nice for her. Something to bring the shine back to her blue-blue eyes, that'd been missing for some days now. He didn't have much to offer, but something had come to mind. So he eagerly got up to put things together.
Showered, shaved, groomed and dressed, Leonard tucked a box into his pants pocket before leaving. They'd agreed to just meet up in Mess once they were up and feeling human again. Scanning the place -- and ignoring those damn windows -- he didn't see that mop of pretty brown hair. Just as well for what he had in mind. He grabbed a cup of coffee and choose a table where he'd have his back to the view. Stretching out his long ol' legs, Dr. McCoy entertained himself with a journal article while he waited and sipped.