In case you have not figured it out yet, this journal is dead. DEAD. DEAD as in LJ really sucks and I went elsewhere. Dead as in I need more functionality that I will never use, but I want it anyways.. so without further ado, new h0tne$$. ( )
Today I did the first real tourist type thing since I have been in japan. L2 and I went to Miyajima. This are is considered one of the three most beautiful and recognizable spots in japan.
Went to a halloween party at China Town in Hiroshima last night. (China Town is a club) It is on the outskirts of the red light/hostress district, much like walking through the red light district in amsterdamn except the pimps are pushing the women towards men
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I had my first aikido experience in japan last night. It was quite enjoyable and interesting. One of Larissa's friends is a 2nd year jet and fellow aikidoka. He trains at his schools club at a local high school. The main teacher is a shihan from hombu, 8th dan. I am also told he as an exstensive background in daito ryu jujitsu (for the n00bs, the
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