Title: A Nice Young Man Characters: Hakkai, Nanny Ogg, and Supporting Cast Of Characters. Rating: PG-13 Notes: A game of poker. See here and here for the previous installments in this terrible thing. ~700 words.
As a matter of fact that's precisely where this whole mess started -- Family Resemblance was the first bit of unholy crossover I came up with and it's just that. (The second bit I seem to recall featured Nanny Ogg and Gojyo and singing. Somewhere there was also a thing about Hakuryuu meeting the other kind of dragon... it's in tags or comm memories somewhere. I'd link but I'm running around getting ready for work! *g*)
Oh this just made my morning thank you for posting it. Hakkai is a real ladies killer," And we do have sex as well through".A lttle to much information.
Comments 20
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Any chance of Sanzo meeting Granny Weatherwax?
As a matter of fact that's precisely where this whole mess started -- Family Resemblance was the first bit of unholy crossover I came up with and it's just that. (The second bit I seem to recall featured Nanny Ogg and Gojyo and singing. Somewhere there was also a thing about Hakuryuu meeting the other kind of dragon... it's in tags or comm memories somewhere. I'd link but I'm running around getting ready for work! *g*)
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