Saying farewell to Aragorn was easier than I thought it would be. I feel like a chapter of my life has now finished, and I am looking forward to the next one. I have one more stop to make, and then I'll be on my way home.
The longer I stay here at Buffy's, the harder it is going to be for me to leave. I feel so distant from my actions while possessed by the wraith, and need to find some way to come to terms with what happened
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Staying here at Buffy's is giving me time to come to terms with my actions ... the wraith's actions, and to decide where I want to go from here. I am also enjoying the company, Buffy and Dawn are easy to talk to
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Feeling Elrohir's despair, she trys and fails to turn him to the dark sideShe senses using Sharpe would be a good way to torture Aragorn, and a means to an end with a potential ally, but knows she must tread
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