Title: Perspectives
Story: Highway: The Interwebs. Story 2.5
Fandom: RPS
Characters: Alan Davies and Robert Sean Leonard
Prompt: 76 Fate
coclaim100Word Count: 710
Rating: PG
Summary: Robert thinks about his family and Alan at the Holidays
The Story Begins:
Big table of prompts is here:
Order of the story is here:
Previous Part “Robert, Honey, is everything all right?”
He looked up from his dinner plate and forced a smile onto his face. “I’m enjoying a lovely Christmas dinner with my wonderful parents. Why wouldn’t things be fine?”
“You looked lonely. If only you hadn’t lost Gabby...”
Friday 12/29/06
I have survived yet another family gathering! Barely. Since Gabby and I had called it off, it seems like she is all they talk about. And they act like I am entirely at fault! Well, maybe I am, but we did mutually agree to call it off. Yet they talk and act so disappointed. They had such high hopes…we all did, at first. Eight times Mom had to go and mention her, and eight times the rest of the family chimed in. They even started suggesting single women they know! They mean well, and I know they are not making me uncomfortable on purpose, but they don’t know when to let up. I feel suffocated at times. I’m not a little boy any more, though I have the urge right now to stomp my feet in frustration.
They say I am not happy, but that is only because I am missing the one person who I have come to slowly realize is the only one who can make me happy. The one person who they will never know anything about. I would give anything to be able to tell them proudly that I am falling for a man, but things are never that simple. Not that they would not accept Alan, eventually, but I am just not ready to deal with the 2,000 questions that will be targeted at me. Once I feel more secure and can justify my own actions, then I will be in a better position to defend my choice against the horde.
This is the first week I have had without much any real communication with Alan, and I am feeling a little depressed and distracted. I just want to talk to him about all the small inconsequential things. That would lift my mood, make things look brighter. But I would still be hiding part of myself from everyone else. I sent off a little gift for him before I flew down here, and I hope he received it.
I have never believed in fate, never saw things as fated. But if I review the last few years, it certainly feels like some fated path. First I get this TV show that is a smashing success. That in and of itself is a miracle. Then I meet Hugh and he becomes a dear friend to me, someone who I really trust and can count on in a pinch. The relationship that Gabby and I had started to get choppy. She hates the West Coast and wanted to stay on the East. We decided to call it quits and go our separate ways. And then, finally, Hugh drags me up to Vegas in an attempt to take my mind off things. I can say that that worked well.
I know I have never been happier, I have never felt so cared for and respected since these past months. Even though we have not touched since that first night, I can still feel his hands on my body, taking care of me, letting me selfishly enjoy the feel of him.
Maybe I am a coward, and that is why I can’t yet scream this from the clock tower. If I acknowledge how he makes me feel, who he is to me, then I fear it will slip through my fingers and it will make his loss so much more hurtful.
Today I choose to believe in fate, believe that I am supposed to have Alan in my life, at least for now. I love him, I know I do, but I don’t think I am ready to tell him that, or tell anyone really. Fate has brought me this far, but I don't know what to do anymore. I feel bound to this place by a fear of actually asking for something that I want. I have no idea what to do right now, all I know is I miss him, but I doubt I will ever tell him how much.
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