well i have probably lost the respect of veronica all self-respecting feminists in the surrounding area, my eyes sting when i close them, and it is not over, i am not okay, but i think maybe i will be, i think maybe we can be.
despite last night, i've been feeling rosy-cheeked all day. you know: in love. abandoned, but in love.
pea ess: veronisaurus, boulder asap. lush sale is genius and magical and probably going to be over very soooooon. never mind that i just spent an extravagant amount online for the online part of the sale. shut up.
thanksgiving (yes, next week) features the triumphant return of i, emily who never got a good name, and THE VERODINO to the beautiful and very much missed town of good old denver.
that's right, bitches. you are.
peaess to veronica: you. me. lush. queer as folk. it's a date?
what i miss most are those familiar figures in the distance. their faces which we knew so well, their shadows which we knew so intimately. figures of myth: they never lived up to it, but from far away you could pretend.