'a bag of fun' for sale. line up, line up. your eyes are closed, your hands are cold, you reach in only to discover what you are looking for does not exist in a vacuum with a sign {on the} outside.
suspended, the air is both comforting and cold. this is not flying, no, this is something else. forgive me, if i do not seem myself, i am fighting the urge to tear these tethers off and relish the long fall.
diagonal footsteps, bumping into silent reproach the weather hurts feet & the head is pounding with unexpressed need-- don't be scared to trip & fall-- it happens. it happens often. & i learn a new rhythm, a pattern that is easier to process, cut myself once & pain lessens with each nick, or memory of pain dilutes until it is water down a storm
i had hoped to be a ballerina for your eyes only, for your mind to devour my steps as if they were butterfly wings yet, i fell prey to my own longing when ash was all that lined your mouth and my steps crumbled liked old stone once tended by loving hand.