Torchwood Master Rec List

Aug 22, 2007 22:27


Jokes I May have Misremembered and Paramagnetic by mercurial_wit

There seems to be something of a lack of gen in this fandom (not surprising for a show which has canon slash) which is why its always a delight to find good gen stories. Both of these are bitter, angsty Jack character studies - the first detailing Jack's journey from his resurrection on Gamestation 5 to his current role as leader of Torchwood 3 and the second details how Torchwood 3 came to be after the Battle of Canary Wharf and through a clever extended use of scientific terminology details Jack's relationship with Suzie and how that friendhsip ultimately destroys them both. The writing manages to be both darkly bitter in tone as well as witty (love the part in Paramagnetic about Jack jokingly asking MI5 for an underground lair and a dinosaur...and being given both) and Jack's voice is very strong throughout.

Wide Open Space by rivier

Really strong post Cyberwoman tale told from Ianto's pov. The author really sells Ianto's distress and disorientated mental state following Lisa's death - his calmly telling Jack that he should kill him in the bathroom as it would be easier to clean up is like a kick to the gut.

Afore the Dawning of the Day by aeshna_uk

Pitch black very strongly written au of Cyberwoman which has Jack finding Lisa hidden in the bowels of The Hub. I found it fascinating that the author's characterisation of Jack is much more realistic than the Jack the show has given us to date - I would hope that a leader of a Torchwood unit who has been around as long as Jack has would have the exact qualities that the Jack in this fic has. The ending is also a much more realistic ending to the episode. And yet... the characterisation of Jack in this fic and the ending isn't something that I cared for at all. In fact I found it quite bleak and disturbing.I'm clearly a total sap at heart. Powerful stuff.

Angels in the Architecture by ignipes

Short sharp Tosh character study following the events of the episode Greeks Bearing Gifts. Lovely look at an oft overlooked character.

Behind the Door by rivier

Post Last of the Timelords fic which is a lovely happy look at Martha's first day at Torchwood.

Pass the Parcel by crystalshard

Short lovely Jack character study detailing how his interactions with the other Torchwood team members have fundamentally changed him.

A Sort of Homecoming by troyswann

Unusual piece with Jack being captured and tortured by the Time Agency. Vivid and unsettling.

In Sex or Violence by sparrowette

Listed as Owen/Jack but really more gen

Very strong angsty Owen character study.

One Chance by becky_h

Torchwood era Jack runs into his earlier self during the events of Boomtown. The author beautifully portrays two very different Jacks (and succeeds wonderfully in making Boomtown era Jack so young you just want to weep for him) and the ending is very clever and very Jack!

Say Please by becky_h

Very funny piece with Jack being harangued by Myfanwy!

Gen AU

The Rule of Winter by tanarian

Ianto exacts his revenge after the events of Cyberwoman. Clever and crying out for a sequel.

The Mirror is the Wall by Basingstoke

The team of Torchwood Three meet their alt_universe counterparts. Deftly written and incredibly sad.

He Died and He Lived by becky_writing

Powerful and evocative, contrasting drabbles of Jack's life and death.


For the Night is Young and Lasts Too Long by slippery_fish


Absolute gorgeous Tosh character study set against the backdrop of season 1. It's not a pairing I would normally read but Tosh falling in love with Ianto is depicted so beautifully and feels very real. A wonderful look at a very underused character.

All Things in Time by poisontaster

Slight Jack/Tosh implied Jack/Ianto

Haunting tale centred around the events of Captain Jack Harkness only in this tale Jack and Tosh were never rescued from 1941. Beautifully written, strongly characterised piece and the cyclical nature of the ending is chilling.

Need (Illegitimate) by wired_lizard

Gwen/Owen Gwen/Rhys Gwen/Ianto

I confess usually I wouldn't touch a Gwen pov story with a barge pole but this is a really brilliant look at Gwen and what makes her tick. This Gwen is very flawed but very very human - if they could write her even half this good on the show then I would actually start to like the character.

Many Happy Returns of the Day by Basingstoke


Incredibly hot and hands down the best portrayal of Suzie I've read yet - her voice is absolutely perfect.

Jack/Ianto Recs

Episode based:


Whiskey by notevery

Pre-series piece with Jack and Ianto taking a roadtrip to retrieve a possible alien artifact. Told from Ianto's point of view (who is coming apart at the seams) as he tries to cope with his burgeoning feelings for Jack and his loyalty to Lisa. Affecting imagery and a very realistic, very human warts and all sex scene.


Like Stitches in the Scar Part 1 and Part 2 by Paperclipbitch

Lengthy angsty story centered around the events of Cyberwoman. I can't see cannon Jack ever being as hopelessly in love with Ianto as he is depicted in this story but that minor quibble aside this is a strong piece which shifts back and forwards in time from the various Torchwood team members joining Torchwood 3 to the aftermath of Lisa's rampage. I especially like the depiction of Suzie in this story - she's normally portrayed as a pantomime villain but in this piece she's a fun vital woman who has a real loving friendship with Jack.

Quantum is Just a Fancy Word for Hell if I Know by lyra_wing

Another wonderful SPN author writing Torchwood fic! Sweet, angsty, funny look at Jack/Ianto's relationship before and after the events of Cyberwoman.

You Me and the Satellites by misslucyjane

AU in which Ianto is retconned after the events of Cyberwoman - but Jack can't bear to leave him alone.

Been Staring Down the Barrel of a Gun by wildestranger

Interesting take on what happened between Jack and Ianto directly after the events of Cyberwoman.

Drowning on Display by slippery_fish

Set post Cyberwoman this has a suicidal Ianto marking time until he can re-join Lisa. Dark and fatalistic with a brutally sharp tone this is a bleaker look at canon and why Jack "forgives" Ianto quite so easily after his betrayal.

On the Way to the Harbour - 657 Miles by slippery_fish

Very interesting Ianto centric piece. Covering events from Cyberwoman to End of Days and beyond it has Ianto dealing with the double loss of Lisa and Jack whilst being haunted by the ghosts of his Torchwood One team. I love Ianto's interactions with the other Torchwood members especially Owen and Tosh. The show failed to convince me that any of the Torchwood team were actually friends with each other but the relationships in this are deftly sketched and I could actually believe that Ianto and Owen somewhat liked each other! I confess that I don't buy the author's back-story for Ianto. Considering the way Ianto acted in Countrycide I find it unlikely that he had done any field work previously - never mind was part of an active Torchwood 1 unit but its a testament to the author's skill that that didn't completely drag me out of the story.


Reach out and Touch by shaggydogstail

Very sweet, funny first time story.

Small Worlds

Tylwyth Teg by szm

Highly original story in which Jack whilst travelling with the Doctor post End of Days meets up with a young Ianto - who is a target for Jasmine and the fairies seen in Small Worlds. Entertaining with a fantastic OFC (Ianto's grandmother) and interesting use of the Doctor and the Bad Wolf.

They Keep Killing Suzie

Constant as the Changing Weather by crystalshard

Very lovely Ianto centric piece spanning the time period from Ianto arriving at Torchwood One up to the events of They Keep Killing Suzie. I love Ianto's backstory in this - the concept of Jack having been his mentor and lover before he ever met Lisa. Their first moment of real connection against the backdrop of a stormy night could have been cliched but is very strongly written. I also loved the case file in the story (alien controlled children's toys!). Great series with a very realistic portrayal of the Jack/Ianto relationship and a killer final line.

Out of Time

Brilliant Illusions by nessaja82

This is just wonderful. Small moments of Jack and Ianto connecting over the course of the first series up to the episode Out of Time. The progression of the relationship is slow but highly believable and she nails the characters perfectly. Definitely one of the strongest Torchwood stories I've read.

The Loudest Voice by fan_elune

Really lovely but sad post Out of Time piece with Ianto caring for a melancholy Jack on Christmas Day.

The Hint of a Spark by misslucyjane

Next part in the Lovers in a Dangerous Time series this story deals with the events of Out of Time as Ianto spends his first Christmas with Jack whilst struggling with the knowledge that Jack allowed himself to die with John. I love this series because on the one hand its very romantic and domestic and makes me smile at sweet sappy Jack - and on the other hand there is a real bittersweet tone to the piece which wonderfully counteracts the fluff as it's clear that the author intends to follow canon - and as a reader knowing how the show ended you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop and for poor Ianto to get his heart brutally ripped out.

Random Shoes

Random Clocks by clarity_lore

Very clever story riffing off the idea of the episode Random Shoes which allowed us to see a stranger's perspective of the Torchwood team.

Captain Jack Harkness

How to Draw at Someone Who Outdrew You by misslucyjane

Part of the Lovers in a Dangerous Time series . The series reaches the events of Captain Jack Harkness and break's mine and Ianto's heart in the process. Incredibly angsty as Ianto breaks up with Jack. I was impressed by how conflicted I was reading this piece. On the one hand your heart bleeds for Ianto, at him having to learn very painfully that as much as Jack seems to care for him he also forgot him instantly and gave his heart away to someone he's just met. You want Jack to be the villain of the piece because of his apparent indifference to Ianto in the episode - telling the real Captain Jack that he has noone special. But the Jack in this story is so layered that even though you want to hit him for being so clueless you're aching for him when Ianto breaks it off because he has tried to be the monogamous 21st century boyfriend that Ianto wants. Wonderfully written and deeply sad. Sniff!

Post End of Days(stories which don't feature the events of the Doctor Who Series 3 Finale)

Lost and Found by Kaneko

Really wonderful lyrical fic set after Jack's disappearance at End of Days.I love the idea of the Rift taking things from inside the Hub (and the list of items it likes - bananas, red pens, scalpels - all meticulously recorded by Ianto are hilarious) and that it sometimes leaves something in return. Both funny (Ianto giving a complaining Owen back pens that the Pterodactyl has slimed on) and a little heartbreaking with an upbeat ending.

Jack is Back by clarity_lore

Seven unrelated drabbles detailing Jack's return to Torchwood following the events of End of Days. 1 and III are gut wrenching, II is quite disturbing (and I would love to see it in a longer fic) and V is just plain silly. Something for everyone!

Between the Shores by misslucyjane

Ianto cares for a gravely injured Jack. Set after Jack's return following the events of End of Days this is a bittersweet tale with Ianto gradually letting Jack back into his heart. I love how Jack is literally the broken man in this fic with his shattered bones but Ianto is the one who is truly broken.

Missisippi by flatlanddan

Haunting look at a disintegrating Ianto as he has to cope with Jack leaving him alone.

A Million Pretty Words by tanarian

Intense and painful four part story which has Jack returning from his travels with the Doctor to discover that Ianto has been kidnapped and brutalised by aliens who have sold him to a brothel. Ianto's plight is handled sensitively and both Jack and the Doctor are beautifully drawn. (Features Jack/Ianto Ianto/OCs (non-con) and Ianto/Ten)

Burning Bright by tanarian

Jack returns from travelling with the Doctor to discover that an alien virus has wiped out most of the world's population. I love Ianto in this - he's so strong despite being so physically and emotionally drained that he can barely stand upright. The Jack/Ianto interactions are infuriating and all the more real for it and the author has a fantastic handle on David Tennant's speech patterns.

Reach Out and Touch Someone by tanarian

After Jack leaves at the end of End of Days he calls Ianto from the Tardis. Really quite brilliant, very lengthy fic detailing Jack and Ianto interacting by phone during Jack's absence. Funny, sweet and powerful (especially the beautifully judged sequence with a sucidal Ianto) with a really satisfying ending.

You Might Have Laughed If I'd Told You by Wildestranger

Ianto/OMC Ianto/Tosh Ianto/Owen Ianto/OFC? Ianto/Ten Ianto/Jack

Post End of Days this is an entertaining look at five people Ianto slept with to get himself over Jack and his sudden departure from his life. I love how every relationship is different in tone with Ianto/Owen having a desperate, almost violent edge and Tosh/Ianto being sweet and yet melancholy. I think the reference to "DI Burnside" in the story is actually meant to be "DI Swanson" from They Keep Killing Suzie but I could have misunderstood and it's actually an OFC.

Attrition by lazuli_kat

Jack/Ianto Ianto/OMC

Jack returns after the events of End of Days to discover that Ianto is happily in a relationship with another man.

OK so if you're in the Torchwood fandom the chances that you haven't read this are very slim as it is one of the best stories to be produced in the fandom in a long while and certainly one of very few novel length stories. This is a very strong story with great characterisation across the board. Gwen and Owen who are rarely served well by Torchwood fanfic writers come across as real life complex flesh and blood people here. Crucially this version of Torchwood Three is very much a team so you really do care about all of them. I almost didn't read this initially as I'm not fond of Jack or Ianto paired with an OMC but Bryn is a well rounded likeable character (if perhaps a little too reminiscent of Rhys) whose presence doesn't de-rail the story. The Jack/Ianto relationship is wonderfully portrayed - it's complex and painful and raw.

Reading it as a work in progress was an often frustrating experience (despite apparently having been completely written before it was posted it was posted in twice weekly chapters presumably to maximise impact) as some of the chapters are extremely short and the pacing around the midsection slows a little with the on again/off again/on again nature of the Jack/Ianto relationship beginning to grate slightly, but these problems evaporate when reading it in one go.

I'm also not convinced about the ending which skips forward in time missing out a significant event and which jars slightly with the rest of the piece (so much of the story was focused on getting Jack to live again and to start building a home with Ianto at Ianto's place and on the need for Jack to respect Ianto as a full member of Torchwood Three that an ending which removes them both from the Hub doesn't quite work) but overall this is a great story.

Post End of Days/Last of the Timelords

Somewhere Only We Know by misslucyjane

Part of the Lovers in a Dangerous Time series this is a deeply sad look at Jack's miserable year of torture on the Valiant. The description of what happened to Ianto is heartbreaking.

The Density of Water, The Weight of Air by misslucyjane

Latest in the Lovers in a Dangerous Time series this has Jack/Ianto reuniting after the events of Last of the Timelords. Wonderful characterisation and pitch perfect dialogue.

The Sound of a Butterfly's Wings by tanarian

Jack returns after his year in captivity to discover that Ianto is missing. The Master has taken him....

I absolutely adore this story. It has brilliant characterisation (including a suitably creepy and manic version of The Master), a very affecting Jack/Ianto relationship and a very very clever twist at the end.

Fools and Drunkards by mandysbitch

Jack returns to Torchwood to discover that his team have coped just fine without him. Hugely entertaining as a pissed off Jack realises that his team are rather indifferent to his return.

Worship the Trousers that Cling to Him by Wildestranger

Strong contender for the "worst title ever" award this is a very entertaining, sweet story with Jack desperately trying to win Ianto round after the events of End of Days. The mental image of an alien care bear has stayed with me and somehow I have no difficulty seeing Gwen's attempt to get everyone to talk about their feelings prompting an invasion from the pissed off care bear's species!

Killing Me Softly by flatlanddan

Ianto receives a series of letters from Jack written during the year that never was.

Coversations with the Dead by szm


Lisa appears to Jack during his time on the Valiant. Very sweet fic and I love the notion of Lisa - who had only previously been seen by Jack as a monster, keeping him sane and caring for him while Saxon tortures him.

Jack/Ianto Fluff

They Grip the Ground by giddygeek

The team deal with an alien rhinoceros loose in Wales. Very funny and sweet and a lovely depiction of the team.

Timely Advice by woodsong_1978

Short, silly, very funny and really rather brilliant this story has a temporal mailbox opening up in the Hub and Ianto corresponding with a certain R Jeeves who is very unhappy with Jack's unwanted advances towards his gentleman Mr Wooster!

I adore the concept of the temporal mailbox - I would kill someone to base a challenge on that - the concept of the Torchwood team corresponding with figures from Jack's life past or present is rather wonderful!

Tropical Climes by Giddygeek

Gorgeous Jack/Ianto fluff written for the tw_flashfic vacation challenge. Jack and Ianto have fun on a simulated alien beach. The descriptions are vivid and the Jack/Ianto interaction is adorably fluffy without being sentimental.

Everything Looks Perfect From Far Away by misslucyjane

Wonderful fluffy Jack/Ianto story with Ianto realising the depth of his feelings for Jack. Charming and with a perfect snarky Ianto voice.

Six Uses for a Stopwatch that have nothing to do with Sex (and one that does) by shaggydogstail

Series of 6 drabbles riffing on the stopwatch that appeared at the end of They Keep Killing Suzie. 1-5 is gen and 6 and 7 are Jack/Ianto. Very sweet and funny (Owen trying to hypnotise the pterodactyl is hilarious) and the 7th drabble as Jack sets Ianto a treasure hunt in order to retrieve his stolen stopwatch is adrorable and fluffy!

Three Wishes by tanarian

Ianto accidentally releases a genie. Wonderful fluff.

Ghost in this Hub by jadesfire2808

Is the Hub haunted? Fluffy and good fun.

The Journey to Caerleon by maverick0324 and clarity_lore

Jack and Ianto become affected by an alien device with life changing consequences for both of them.

Hugely entertaining and well paced 10 part fic in what looks to be an ongoing series. Critically Jack and Ianto get far too domestic far too quickly in the story (setting it a mere month after Cyberwoman requires a fair degree of suspension of disbelief when the boys start playing happy families) and Arthur seems to be written a little older than he's meant to be but this is practically a critic-proof unashamedly romantic popcorn flick of a story which despite being sugary sweet at times only a complete cynic could fail to be moved by. And Arthur is the most adorable OC in a long time!

The Heir to Caerleon by clarity_lore and maverick0324

Entertaining fast paced sequel to The Journey to Caerleon. This picks up after the events of End of Days with Ianto believing that Jack and his child are dead. Very much a fic where the characters serve the plot rather than the other way around (for example the Doctor so winningly portrayed early on in the fic vanishes mid way through for no reason at a time when he is needed assassinating his character in the process before he re-emerges at the end equipped with a macguffin which makes a nonsense of one of the angsty plotlines).The fic equivalent of a popcorn movie - fun, and fast paced - just don't think about the specifics too much!

Jack/Ianto AU

Captain Jones by tanarian

Captain Jack Harkness of Torchwood meets Captain Ianto Jones of UNIT.

More than Flesh and Bone by misslucyjane

Pre-series fic with Jack meeting a seventeen year old Ianto. Teen Ianto is beautifully written - gawky, self-conscious and very raw and wonderfully easy to empathise with and Jack is sensitively drawn. The OCs (especially Ianto's brother) are also well crafted.

First Time Jack/Ianto

Lovers in a Dangerous Time by misslucyjane

Sweet first time story - I love how the author writes Jack - he's somehow a lot more vulnerable than the Jack in canon and yet he stills reads as perfectly in character.

Distraction by Melina123

Insanely hot Jack/Ianto first time story set before the events of Cyberwoman. The images in this one are going to stay with me for a while. Phew!

Other Jack/Ianto

Wing and a Prayer by tanarian

Hilarious and surprisingly sweet body swap fic which has Ianto and Myfanwy swapping bodies. A longer version is promised - I can't wait.

Cura Deum Di Sint by zabbers

Unusual Jack/Ianto hurt-comfort fic with a powerful ending.

Timeless by nixa_jane

Interesting piece of Jack back story with a great temporal anomaly story.

Sir by misslucyjane

Romantic and dyly witty piece with Jack determined to make Ianto see him as Jack - his lover, not just Captain Jack Harness his boss. Ianto's voice is very strong and I love the insight into Jack's character - the flashes of vulnerability.

For When Its Dark by giddygeek

Jack and Ianto get lost in the hub after taking down an alien creature. Strongly written and perfectly in character.

Before by calathea

Short, sharp Ianto character study as he reviews what his life was like before and after Jack. Powerful.

No Raven by centaurea_m

Ianto discovers that Jack is immortal - violent and angsty with a sweet melancholy ending.

Don't Have Nightmares by clarity_lore

Ianto is captured by a race of beings called Nightmares and the Torchwood team must fight to get him back. Written very much like an episode of the show with absolutely pitch perfect characterisation and a fun ending.

Jack Harkness is not Boring in Bed by maverick0324

Despite the spectacularly awful title (which almost made me not click on it) this is a very funny piece told from Ianto's perspective as he tries to rationalise his anger over Lisa's death with his emerging feelings for Jack.

Sinnerman by cs_whitewolf

Very different in tone from the other fics this is a dark piece detailing a violent sexual encounter between Jack and Ianto. The reader isn't given any clues as to what has transpired to prompt this degree of hatred between the two characters and the sex is pretty much quasi-rape. Somewhat bleak but well written and despite the depth of the emotion on display remarkably in character.

Wrong Turn, Right Turn by tanarian

Written for tw_flashfic's Lost in the Hub challenge this has Ianto finding himself face to face with a future version of Jack - lovely and rather sad.

The Supply of Time by giddygeek

Beautiful and at times heartbreaking look at Jack and Ianto's relationship over the years.

You Well Dressed Man by pokerkitten

Short clever Jack pov piece as he ponders the different meanings of Ianto's suits.

A Matter of Honour by louiex

When Jack goes missing on a simple recon meeting in a fetish club Ianto is forced to go in after him. Very hot Jack/Ianto story and a wonderful example of "alien tech made them do it

Any Dream Will Do by szm

Brilliantly twisted fairytale with Owen as the fairy God-Mother, Tosh the Princess and Gwen the Pixie. Amusing and suspenseful with a clever ending.

What it Takes by sparrowette

Wonderful story told in the first person from a drunken and completely suicidal Jack's point of view. The Jack/Ianto interactions are gorgeous and realistic - no "grief stricken shags" for them.
The writing is even more impressive as the author hasn't watched a single episode of Torchwood!

Five Conversations About Jack and Ianto by kennedy-unknown

Following the "five things" format this is a series of entertaining drabbles as the Torchwood team discuss the Jack/Ianto relationship. The Ianto/Tosh and Ianto/Jack sections are particularly strong.

Word of warning - the author's LJ layout is very bright and busy which makes reading the story very difficult. If you want to read the story it would be best to copy and paste it into word.

The Twenty First Century Dating Ritual by misslucyjane

After the staff rebel and insist on a weekend off Jack ends up spending the weekend with Ianto and learning about 21st century dating rituals. Funny with plenty of snappy dialogue as well as some sweet (and hot) sex scenes this narrowly avoids being sickly fluff because of the way the author manages to imbue the cute domestic scenes with a very real sense that the couple is living on borrowed time.

The Discovery by kaneko

Ianto is forced to accompany Jack on a hike up Yr Elen after Torchwood receives reports of a meteor landing in the area. Enjoyable story and Jack's awe and enthusiasm at discovering the fossil is infectious.

When in Rome by silversolitaire

When Ianto accidentally triggers an alien device he is transported to a world where slavery is legal. Jack's only chance to save him is to prove with a public display of ownership that Ianto is his slave.

So it's an "aliens made them do it" cliche fic then. It works because the author wrote it as an homage to cliche fics and it moves along quickly enough to allow you to suspend your disbelief over the contrived situations. The sex scenes are well written and I enjoyed Jack's friendship with the main alien. My only quibble is that it's another story where Ianto collapses into hysterics the instant his life is threatened. I appreciate that the character cried in Cyberwoman but I think we were meant to assume that in that episode Ianto was at his absolute lowest point (with the girlfriend he'd been hiding and caring for for months going on an entertainingly camp murdering spree) not that he makes the habit of sobbing like a 13 year old girl every time things get a bit hairy. It's a fanon character trait that I would very much like not to see again.

Jack/Ianto pwp

Taste by Cyberamanda

Insanely hot pwp with Ianto playing with a tied up and blindfolded Jack. Wonderful stuff.

Untitled by misspamela

Scorching hot pwp - the last two lines are wonderful.

Sight by cyberamanda

Ridiculously hot story with Jack and Ianto investigating alien activity in an S&M club.

Other Pairings

And the Band Plays On by louiex

Jack/Jack Jack/Ianto Jack/Jack/Ianto

Interesting, dark and vivid piece with Jack dreaming of those he left behind.

Welsh for Beginners by miss_zedem

Jack/OFC Ianto/OMC Jack/Ianto

Entertaining plot based fic with an estranged Jack and Ianto investigating a woman they suspect of being an alien. I confess that the plot reveal was a tad Mills & Boone for my cynical jaded heart but the OFC is very well drawn and the Jack/Ianto interaction compelling.

Needs and Wants by smithy161

Jack/Ianto Jack/Gwen Jack/Owen Jack/Tosh

Interesting look at Jack and his relationship with his team.

The Torchwood Patient by misslucyjane

Ianto/Real Jack Jack/Ianto

Brilliant twist on The English Patient with the real Captain Jack Harkness being thrown through the rift and ending up badly injured and being cared for by Ianto at Torchwood One.

Not Enough Hours in the Day by kohl_rimmed_eye


I confess Owen/Ianto isn't a pairing I find all that appealing but this series of unconnected drabbles are just wonderful. I hated Owen in the series but he comes across as a real sympathetic character in these.

This isn't "When Harry Met Sally" (And Sometimes He's Glad) by kohl_rimmed_eye

Ianto/Lisa Ianto/Jack

Four very different New Year's celebrations - lovely (if very angsty) look at Ianto and the different people in his life.

Torchwood Crossovers


Chance Meeting and The Note by szm

In Chance Meeting Ten finds himself faced with a 6 year old Ianto and its sequel The Note deals with the aftermath of Jack leaving at the end of End of Days Chance Meeting is incredibly adorable and will put a huge smile on your face and The Note is very bitter sweet.

My Word You Do Look Queer by tanarian

This story is part of a series called The Fourteen Worlds of Ianto Jones (of which the first instalment was Start as You Mean to Go On) in which Jack returns to Torchwood Three with the Doctor after the events of Last of the Timelordsonly to immediately announce his engagement to Gwen at which point Ianto becomes the Doctor's companion.

If I've just lost you with the words "engagement to Gwen" come back as there is no Jack/Gwen in the fic and there are hints of shenanigans on Gwen's part.

My Word You Do Look Queer is a really lovely Ten and Ianto friendship story set in Edwardian England as the daring duo investigate a life force draining alien. Playing out exactly like an episode of Doctor Who this is a beautifully written, meticulously researched piece with particularly strong characterisation. And as much as I love my smut sometimes its very nice to read very strong gen fic for a change!

The Doctor's Visit by szm

Cute AU piece with The Doctor (with The Master in tow) visiting Torchwood Three and receiving a very unfriendly welcome!


Welcome to the Tardis by szm

Wonderful piece with Jack, Ianto and Martha as the Doctor's companions. It's a short piece but the characterisations are spot on. I really like that for Ianto travelling in the Tardis and all the wonder that inspires is completely secondary to his being with Jack. This isn't the puppy dog Ianto that is so often portrayed in fic - he knows that Jack wants to be with him and yet is painfully aware that that their relationship is eclipsed by Jack's need to travel with the Doctor. The Ianto/Martha friendship and the Tardis being protective of Ianto is also completely adorable. I would love to see more in this series.

Happiness is a Sly Smirk (Natural and Greek remix) by wildestranger

Jack/Ianto Jack/Ianto/Ten

Angsty remix of Sly Ianto by misslucyjane. I really like the Jack/Ianto interaction in this- it's far edgier and brittle than in most fics.

Quarantine by jovialien

Jack/Ianto Ten/Master and every combination in- between.

Jack returns to the Hub with the Doctor and the Master in tow to discover that an alien virus which leads to nymphomania has broken out.

A fun, entertainingly porny aliens made them do it fic with an effective framing device of Torchwood Three reporting on the incident to their higher ups. Characterisation comes and goes with the Doctor's voice being relatively weak but the red hot action more than makes up for it.

Eavesdropping by szm


Very hot little story but oh boy Jack really isn't very bright at times!

torchwood master rec list

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