Sep 12, 2006 14:18
"we never fell of any roofs when we were drunk, but then again, we drank in the basement"
thank you peter dudley, 2D design master for those word of wisdom
Sep 10, 2006 19:44
same fucking thing, different place is what it seems like to me
went to a frat, smelt like stale beer, didn't drink, but missed the ppl who know me best
i do me college school work more often then I ever did my high school work and it is only the first week, man this is going to get old fast
Sep 09, 2006 08:56
me and my roommate need to have a talk but i am not sure how to approach it
microeconomics is boring
2D rocks but it a lot of fun
Honors is bullshit, whats new
love and miss my friends
Sep 04, 2006 14:14
i full out do not understand guys, guys say that girls give mixed messages, it is more like we dont understand the ones that are being sent to us or are misinterperting the lack of thought put into the messages
ps. college life.... at least here in maine is a good topic for a book
Sep 02, 2006 09:14
Im here, im not really sure what that means yet because i have three days to settle in
everybody knows each other except me
I still dont know about the boy, but i dont think i care anymore, at least i would like not to but Im not sure that i can
it says 'I <3 John" on my wall, because that is who was in this room last year
Aug 19, 2006 17:26
It seems to me that nobody understands artist temperament,
when I create, I get fustrated, it takes time, but that is how I do it
Aug 17, 2006 09:24
Me: Half the problems in this country originate from out puritan founding
Pepe: Yes, that is true, but the Britians are the same and culturally they are much more advanced than us. They are fucked up sexually though. The Greeks were gay too though.