I am confident I will know dorks who find
this PDF interesting. I am happy to say I don't understand most of the math going on in there, but seeing this sort of study down with this sort of subject matter really does seem the height of dorkdom, and I can appreciate that.
Comments 3
Email this link to Rudy, since he doesn't have an LJ.
Two interesting things I saw pointed out regarding these findings (which includes spoilers for the current Marvelverse: Captain America is connected to the most people - and they recently killed him off. The connection between Spiderman and Mary Jane is the strongest one, making their love story the most popular plot in Marvel - and now Marvel is heavily focused on finding some way of undoing their marriage. Food for thought.
That is kind of neat though ... maybe they're trying, at the bare minimum, so reshape the network structure. Who knows ... I'd be somewhat interested to see the network structure of the new MU as portrayed in the Ultimates story-lines. I wonder if that would be a more natural network ...
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