I took the old crazy test and I like the results I got.
Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
About a year ago this thing was all the rage. All the kids were doing it. Well I liked it. I wanted to put it in here just in case some people who never took it want to take it. Also they added a few features to the results so it is kinda cool to go and look at again.
pirateman 110%
we_ate_sand 106%
deleri_uhm 98%
maxfischer 95%
trinity77 92%
lizzard 89%
voodoobelle 87%
kimmeebaby 87%
dan501 87%
jdryznar 84%
hobostreet 84%
zenithberwyn 76%
patrick 72%
hillhouse 72%
scandalouscynce 71%
eameschair 69%
gothicbra 65%
addledgirl 61%
chokingtrojans 58%
angelicdestiny 54%
mindyjoy 47%
How compatible with me are YOU? This website is cool. I used to love thespark.com . It was the funniest site with the coolest people on it but then some big corporation bought it and made it really shitty. It also had a matchmaking site called sparkmatch and it was super rad because they did a kiersey temperment sorter test with a twist. Anyway, after a couple years of being gone the cool people at sparkmatch are back but they are called okcupid.com. I am on there and it needs more cool people on it. You can take the test and I put a link to my profile. It is extra cool because you can compare people in all these random categories. I might be fool for being excited about these sorts of websites but I have been a fool for lesser things. Let me know if anyone joins okcupid because i want to have more friends on there. Ok bye.
http://www.okcupid.com/ http://www.okcupid.com/profile?tuid=12390001240018901004 Oh yeah also I wanted to add a picture because that always makes posts better. This is from the website polaroidscene.com where mark "the cobra snake" takes pictyures of people and puts them on the internet.
sorry it is so big. also it is only a coincidence that my shirt has a cobra snake on it.