With regard to the youtube video I posted yesterday...
I found another version, shot from a different angle and while the sound quality isn't quite as good as the first one, you can see so much more of the dancing in this one. Enjoy!
Shawna and I were at the 99Cent Only store and she stumbled on these items, placed next to each other...so wrong (wish we'd had something other than a cell phone to take pics with)
Itchy Crocth & Itchy Feet Cream (because you had your feet next to your crotch?)
Why would scumbag spammers keep trying to join the message board I set up as part of the memorial website for my dad? This just proves they absolutely have no decency. And it's not like they can just do it without trying...I have it set up so a Captcha has to be typed in and they have to put in their "Real Name"...it's a required field because a
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I woke up at the crack of ass for no good reason, then tried to go back to sleep and ended up with a headache. I stayed in bed until nearly 11am, hoping it would go away. What is it with me getting headaches on Saturdays lately...and my back hurting more than normal on my days off
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