The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Would you sooner donate a kidney to
7_christina_7 or
promisemewings?Probably Christina... We have one of those crazy bonds... LOL!!! What do you most envy about
boojie_30?His fun loving personality... whats not to envy about my BoojieWhat is
fallenangel_04's favorite band?EvanescenceWhat is
hard_2_wake_up's favorite book?I got nothing... prolly the KamasutraWhat will be
darkbluu's last words?never let the art die...Whom does
tickleickleme get along best with?Everyone... she is a very friendly lady...
iamfester: pansy, or wuss?I would have to go with WussWhat kind of underwear does
emotastic1 wear?Boxers with silly cartoons on them...What habit does
ging3r_vitis have that you think they should give up?I don't really know Karly that great but she seems like a super sweet person... I can't answer that one...
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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