Title: Some Other Beginning's End [6 out of 28]
house_illreputeWordcount: 301
Series Rating: Hard R
Chapter Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco (implied); Harry/Colin (eventual)
Series Summary: Life after the war means that Colin must find a new passion. But what to do when an old passion comes to haunt the new one? [6] Flash
During the war, Colin learnt to appreciate the sheer simplicity of Apparition, with its lack of flash and fuss, only the merest 'crack' that, for him, sounded more of a soda can being opened rather than the breaking of bone. He appreciated it more when he visited his parents, because he made sure to Apparate slightly out of the way, to Burghfield Village, and walk gingerly past the parish church of St. Mary's on the way to West Berkshire.
Stunningly simple, Colin always found the church to be beautiful, with its stained-glass windows and two-tiered wooden towers. But what always fascinated him most was the alabaster effigy of Richard Neville, the Earl of Salisbury, and all the legends that came with it. Now that he actually had a friend with the name Neville -- though it wasn't the surname -- it made the monument especially nice to visit.
True to his word, Colin had just days before delivered the photographs of the end-of-war celebratory gala to his editor at The Quibbler and, amidst a flurry of well-deserved praise, turned in his resignation. Despite the begging and pleading that resulted, Colin's sole dedition was that he'd stay on just long enough to develop the film*.
*Part of good photography -- especially with regard to its artistic quality -- is not simply in the taking of the pictures, but also in their development. A poor job could utterly ruin an excellent shot.
After the job was done, however, Colin packed up his things, sent a parchment to his landlord effectively breaking his lease, and set off to West Berkshire to, as promised, visit his parents. After a week of hearty eating and heartier laughs, Colin left the serene hominess of West Berkshire and made his way, by airplane, to search for...
... something.
.:::: | TBC [Previous Installments |
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