Title: Light & Dark Author: firko Character Tosh Rating: G Challenge: Vintage Notes: I got to thinking about old and new, and this is what came out. No spoilers although it probably helps if you watch the show! No characters came from my head, they are all created by RTD and the property of the BBC. Crossposted to my LJ.
Title: Out of Mind, Out of Sight Author: firko Characters: Torchwood team Rating: G Challenge: Reverse fandom buffy Notes: Spoilers for series 1. Nobody belongs to me. Cross posted to tw100
Been feeling bleargh all day. Was worried that I'd caught one of the sickness bugs going around (especially as my boss was ill at the weekend) but instead just have belly ache and feel generally yucky. Was supposed to go to a business breakfast this morning but decided that a cooked breakfast was not going to do me any good so passed. I've made it
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