Title: Phone Calls, Part 15c
fizzerbass Rating: NC-17 for rough, but consensual, sex
Word Count: 7,465 - so it's in three parts
Notes: Yes, you read right, I finally finished Phone Calls. Believe it? Longer note inside...
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Annie Proulx. I only own the angst and the mistakes.
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Comments 30
Thank you!
Well, closure, snapping closed the suitcase, closing the door to that house and that old life. And opening, the new life, whatever that will be and wherever that will lead. Yin and Yang. Just life.
I liked how you wrote about Jack's torment and guilt, and how they both learned to deal with it, and especially liked when you said the truth that you never say good bye to your loved ones who have died, they're with you every day of your life.
Three hours away? New Mexico, Arizona? Kansas? Colorado? So many possibilities, but each a clean break for both of them, which is a good thing.
Glad you finished this one, and liked how you finished it. Life is full of holes, not every situation gets resolved neat and tidy, sometimes they just end, fade away, and 'aren't' any more. Hope you write some more and share it with us.
And, the Christmas Interlude [posted in 2007] fit right in, could have been any time, but probably was the first Christmas, seems to fit into Jack's moods early on.
Thanks again.
Love the ending - going back to the beginning that I found so intoxicating -
A simple phone call - yeah. That's how it began - that's how it ends.
Love it!!!! Hope all is well with you. Adrianne
I loved these last 3 parts. They were wonderfully and sensitively written. You don't lose track of the real essence of these characters, but I can sense you also infused these last few parts with something personal, which made it even more significant and unique.
Thank you so much for sharing, I hope writing this was somewhat therapeutic for you. It was very nice to read something from you again.
Love & hugs
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