Jun 14, 2006 23:14
i'm planning on interning abroad next summer. here's your opportunity to tell me where i should go:....
p.s. now accepting donations to the "send charlene to ghana in march 2007" fund.
Jun 03, 2006 23:42
i've joined this obscure, little website called myspace. perhaps you've heard of it?
May 17, 2006 20:15
are you everything you wanted to be one year later?
May 13, 2006 21:18
things i forgot that i liked about australia until just now when i got gavin's email:
hungry jack's
fortitude valley
the queen street mall (MYER)
all saints (tv show)
gavin and his clubbing techno sugababes loving gay boyfriends
May 11, 2006 22:23
bivouac \BIV-wak, BIV-uh-wak\, noun:
1. An encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
May 01, 2006 07:01
and to think, i could have missed out on that hour and a half of delightful (albeit charlene-centered) goodnatured bashing.
"i know how to spell 'charlene'.... S-T-U-P-I-D...H-E-A-D."