Mar 06, 2007 23:06
I just played "zounds" in a game of Scrabble.
Feb 21, 2007 09:44
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
This campus needs a swingset.
Feb 03, 2007 19:19
I love it when code straight out of the book doesn't compile. Bonus points for the code making a call to a method that hasn't been defined anywhere.
Jan 22, 2007 09:40
I long ago stopped expecting the dorm bathroom to act like a normal bathroom.
So why am I still surprised when there is a pair of underwear stays on the floor of a shower stall all weekend, or when all but one of the toilets has unsavory things floating in it, or when there is no hot water?
Jan 12, 2007 17:27
Why do my parents find it necessary to keep the radio on constantly? Even when the TV is on, they don't think to turn off the radio. Someone, please... explain.
Jan 06, 2007 00:40
Why the hell is it 60 degrees in the middle of the night?
Dec 29, 2006 15:34
I'm glad I forgot about Pinkerton for so much of this year. It would not have been a good album to listen to during November.
Dec 28, 2006 01:32
I would like to be able to turn off my brain when it is past midnight.