Title: Attack of the Hobbit Mafia
freedomfryGenre: Lotrips (Hobbits’n’Orli, gen)
Rating: Well, they curse some, but don’t have sex. I'd say worksafe.
Disclaimer: So, so, so untrue.
Feedback: Is cherished and adored.
A/N: I saw
these photos from the London premiere of Kingdom of Heaven, thought to myself “It looks like the attack of the hobbit mafia”
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Comments 38
It was a nice change from the drabbles, to sink my teeth into something longer. And making fun of Orlando never goes out of style.
*wonders if she'd be able to pick someone up at a bar by claiming to be Orlando Bloom*
Fabulous, wonderful, happy-making fellowship friendfic. Love it!
Now mind you, I don't read hobbitfics just 'cause those aren't the guys I'm really interested in, although if they pop up in stories about the guys who are actually hot [ducks and runs] that's cool too. And I very rarely read gen stuff, where there's not even a hint of something romantical-like, although I don't require actual sex and don't always write it myself, either. But I really loved this story! I don't know what made me click on it when it came up in my Flist, but I did and I'm glad I did. The situation enough to make one go, "Awwww!" and the guys are nuts and the almost-cameo by Hayden was great. :D Good stuff!
I tend to read a lot of slash, but when it comes to writing, it all comes out sarcastic, dialogue-y, and gen. *shrugs* I dunno.
*is mesmorized by your icon*
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