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Comments 11

fremen_dancer December 16 2009, 21:03:54 UTC
Yup, I've cut sweets out of my diet entirely and I was seriously glad for it afterward.

It's really true that the more you eat that stuff, the more you feel like you crave it. Possibly because you get so wired and wonky after having it that going back to your natural state feels "off".

I allow myself some dark chocolate every once in awhile nowadays, but rarely anything else in that vein.

I haven't had soda in over a year and don't miss it at all.


frodo_esque December 20 2009, 15:28:08 UTC
There's actually a biological reason your body craves more sugar afterwards, the 'crash' you have after throws your body off and it mistakenly wants more sugar to bring it back to balance. Unfortunately, all that does is crash you again. There's also an addictive 'high' people get off sugar, your body feeds off of that, and craves more as you get it--so part of it is in your head, but it's biologically based. =)

Dark chocolate is the perfect fix in my book! Relatively lower in sugar, proven to be good for you, and well, it's chocolate. =)

I can't remember the last time I had soda, and when I do have a sip now and then it really burns my esophagus going down. Just goes to show how caustic that stuff is on it's own, never mind the empty calories. And even if diet Coke has less calories, you have to wonder that you're putting all this artificial stuff through your body, why do that when you can have a mug of natural tea instead?


kerewyn December 16 2009, 23:05:30 UTC
I love how there's a stock photo of that procedure!

I know how that blocked ear feels. A while ago, I caught a flight to NZ on an older aircraft, and the cabin pressure was shocking, causing a lot of passengers to experience air ache during the landing. My left ear blocked up, producing that muffled sound, and stayed that way for the next 12 hours. It was really disconcerting and I felt remote. Eventually it cleared by itself.

Yeah, I'm not really a sugar person, but there's a lot of sugary things around at the moment - Christmas pies, cake, chocolates - and I've been partaking more than I normally would, especially this week, blaming it on my'time of the month'. Am cautious though because a sugar crash hits me bad, makes me feel sick.


frodo_esque December 20 2009, 15:32:09 UTC
You know, I often get that pain in my ear when landing and I didn't realize it was because of air pressure issues with planes. It doesn't happen all the time, but my brother did say he realized it happens more on 737's than any other plane--which make me wonder if there's something off about the cabin pressure in those aircrafts ( ... )


mrkimi December 17 2009, 00:28:27 UTC
That looks familiar. I had it done once. My ear kept blocking, as you describe. Seems to have been fine since though, but I make an effort to clear them in the shower.

Yes, what I was a kid I gave up sugar for a month to prove I could. I drove my mother mad because (like a lot of mothers) she was certain that whatever food she produced was 'right' and she was (still is) into sweet.


frodo_esque December 20 2009, 15:34:10 UTC
I make an effort to clear them in the shower.
This comment struck me and made me wonder if i wasn't cleaning my ears better. So the next time I was in the shower I began to clean my ears and I realized that the wax buildup happens in my ear canal-- where water from the shower never penetrates. Made me feel better...and clean again. =)

Good news though-- as soon as I got home, i went to town on that ear (which simply means I used the debrox), and it was spectacularly free in a matter of minutes! I was so excited i texted all my friends! =)

You were quite the willful kid, what a cool thing to want to do as a child, and how cute that it annoyed your mother. =) so funny that she took it as a personal affront. =D


darklingwoods December 17 2009, 03:36:26 UTC
found out I have high sugar so when ever I eat it, leads to a crash and I crave more. I feel so much better when I cut it out entirely but sometimes I cave in... its like a drug!


frodo_esque December 20 2009, 15:35:01 UTC
It's so needed to cave in every now and then--and I should have made note of this in my post. Especially this time of year! So enjoy every now and then, moderation is about allowing some fun in your life. =)


lijuun December 17 2009, 04:41:15 UTC
Single guys...call me. ;-)

*helplessly giggling*

Our new CEO and his team donned aprons and went all over the building delivering snacks today. Since I worked 6:30am to 5:00pm (overtime!), they passed my desk three times. The first time I only took a banana and a pear. The second time I took nothing. By 4:00 I was dying and I broke down and grabbed a cookie and split a pumpkin muffin with a friend. And you say you have a goodie desk within a few feet of your desk? THEY'RE HUNTING US!


frodo_esque December 20 2009, 15:36:47 UTC
I can't believe the sweet tray passed and you only took a banana and pear--you are my hero! (Or someone I pity as I dig into my caramel macaroons).

I should have stated that I think it's totally okay to cave in and enjoy a treat--especially this time of year--it is a time to enjoy! I'm just super conscious of what I'm eating right now because I have a trip to ATL and I want to look my best. =)


frodo_esque December 20 2009, 15:36:59 UTC
And uh, "Office Space" ftw!


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