Hey, I just discovered this community and am very interested in it, although it appears the last entry was quite some time ago. I was just wondering if anyone was alive out there
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Hey I'm new here. I'm very interested in all of this, and this community and I'm always looking for new friends. I'm just saying hi, and I think I'll enjoy being in this community!! : )
Can anybody explain to me what the Identity of Indescernibles is exactly? In very simple terms? I'm understanding it that you have two opposite sides labeled A and B. B has to oppose A otherwise it would be considered A and therefore, there would be no B. Is this anywhere near the idea behind this lovely concept?
Has anyone seen the Swiss version of Alice? It's called Alice. I'd like to know your thoughts about it if you have because for me it's the strongest proof that I can think of that someone (be it the director, screenwriter or Lewis Carroll) was on drugs.