So it's time for another of my massive thank-you notes. For those of you who aren't familiar with the act, it's as follows:
Basically, this:
I don't think I tell you enough how grateful I am for you and how much your friendship means to me on an individual, personal basis.
No comments on page-rape; there's a reason I don't hide this behind a cut, and it's called "you-deserve-recognition."'s been far too long since I last did this, maybe even the entire span of the school year, which is horrible and unusual for me. So find yourself alphabetically, and please accept my love and appreciation.
Instead this:
you simply bow down before those who would honor you.
You honor them back.
For you are but ash to their fire.
All spent of light.
-Chang-rae Lee's Native Speaker
A friend loves at all times.
-Proverbs 17:17
afox1, thank you for being such a beautiful friend. You're never to be busy to listen and, even if I choose to not share my problems, I know that you're offering me a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes, that's all I need--to know someone is willing to listen should I choose to speak. I can't explain how grateful I am for the opportunity to talk to you and learn from you and grow with you over the last few years. Thank you for being so eager to talk to me and allowing me to share parts of your life. Thanks for six hour trips to Panera and some of the best conversation I've ever had. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
alecrj, you know I could never thank you enough. For everything. I don't even ever know what to say to fully thank you for what you've done in my life. I'm sorry I always keep yours the shortest, but that's because it's also the sweetest, and I can't imagine ever finding words to fully encompass how you contribute not only to my life, but to the entirety of who I am as well. You're all the herbs in my chicken soup.
alma_bound09, it's been a pleasure meeting you and reading you this year. I don't know where you'll be living next year but I hope it's still in this building, maybe even in my hall. I'm so touched that you found me and friended me on lj and xanga, and being allowed to read these personal parts of your life has meant a lot to me. Thank you for being open to new friends. That's a rare and wonderful quality. Thanks you, also, for inviting me in to a small corner of your life. It means a lot.
aloneinmisery, uh, can we say, "Best cousin ever?" Every time I see a comment from you in my mailbox I know it's going to make me laugh, probably very loudly. You always encourage me and you've really been an important influence in my life, more than you'd probably guess. Thanks for babysitting me when we were younger, and for attempting to make plans to see movies and hang out with me (even if it never works). I totally still want to go camping with you this summer, so we'll have to work some stuff out. Really, I love you Shaun, a lot, and I'm incredibly grateful for the impact you've had on me and continue to have on me. In some ways, our family relationship--all of us cousins--is one of the things that makes me fear "growing up" the most. Okay, you're kind of already there, but I'm not, not really. And maybe you'll be in New York and I'll be in Illinois and Erin will be in Lansing and Mike will be in Virginia or something, and what will happen to Christmas Eves and Holy Saturdays then? They'll suck, that's what. Okay, I digress, but it's one more thing I'm thank you for: the relationship we have as cousins, and being one of the very best things about the holidays. You're one of the cousinly part that makes me so look forward to those times.
angelbof, who probably never reads these anymore. It's been a long time, and unfortunately even our phone conversations this year have had to be brief. But I have never forgotten the times you've been there for me, the times we've taught each other things, the fun things we've done. You're still a true, real friend, and I thank you for that.
angiespazz, um....thanks for just being cool? Seriously, you're one of the most...determined people I know. I admire you for your persistance in life and all of the crap it hands you. As ever, I'm grateful for how we met and the discussion you inspired. You're one of a kind, amazing, and don't ever forget it.
anniegotlost, what a crazy year it's been for us. There's a lot of things to thank you for. You inadvertantly opened my eyes to a lot of relationships and situations that were very bad for me and see how I was allowing these situations to perpetuate (and I'm not referring to ours). In short, thanks to you, this year has been better than any other so far. Harder, in some ways, but better as well. I've learned a lot. Perhaps someday we can build a better, brighter, different sort of friendship. I await the possibility with open arms. If not, then I will still and always be eternally grateful for everything you have contributed to my life. Either way, I will always be here if you need anything. Thank you.
camp_mom_2005, you were a wonderful resident this year. It would have een nice if you could've stayed, but of course you must put your own health and education first. Sweetheart, thank you for your patience and understandign this year, for coming to visit me on occasion and for welcoming me into your community, as well as the random hellos and short conversations in the hallway and cafeteria. You brighten any day--even the ones already sunny!--with your sincerity and your concern and interest. Thank you for being the uplifting, caring, and compassionate individual that you are.
cats_can_swim, how could I ever thank you enough? This year has been a BLAST, and it's largely because of you. You were one of the few--perhaps the only person other than Alec--whom I felt comfortable confiding in. Thank you for being patient and compassionate, ready with good advice but not acting like you knew all the answers, and for going on crazy midnight runs to Sele and dancing on the street corners with me. Thank you for three-a.m. conversations and awesome movie nights. You're one of the most fun and genuine people I know, and kind and understanding to boot. You have wit and wisdom, a charming combination with which I don't usually have the pleasure of debating. Thank you for understanding my philisophical rants and inspiring me to think on them even more. Thank you for everything this year. You are phenomenal--as a friend, a mentor, an RA, a philosopher, a student--in all that you do. Hell, thanks for just being born and being in my life.
colourelle, too bad our conversation is so lacking! I think, if we ever got a chance to meet and sit and talk, the conversation would be stunning. Your few-and-far-between entries are always interesting to read, and the random graphic-entries you sometimes post are a stunning little bit of art and dedication that remind me of other people interested in visual beauty and artistic work and craftsmanship. Your talent is inpiring! I always look forward to bits I see you've written. Thanks for adding me as a friend and letting me interact with you. It's always a pleasure!
cricket_fur, honestly, I'm kinda surprised we still converse at all. Not because of what has happened in the past, but because I rarely see you. And. truth be told, usually friendships over a distance, with rare visits..well, usually they just don't last. I'm glad, though, that we have at least some limited interaction. I mean, let's face it: I can't think of many people as sweet as you are. Maybe it has to do with your amazing ability to "forget!" ^_^ At any rate, I don't know many people as truly...well, sweet as you. It's a rare and wonderful quality, and I've been blessed to experience your sweetness in my life. Thank you, Crickee dear!
d6016, thanks, as usual, for your sweet one-word comments, just when I need them most. Your ability to comfort with a simple thought or gesture means a lot, and the fact that you always have time to give me a "mew?" is truly and deeply appreciated. Thank you for the simple gestures. They are often the most important. I pray that things will work out well for you and hope that you find what you most need and want.
dailydoseofmel, well, thanks for the crazy updates! It's nice to know that almost any time I click on my friends page I can read about some party you're going to, something you're studying (still so jealous of the cool lit classes) or listening to or piercing or tattooing. Plus, I love the pictures! ^_^ Your entries are usually a bright spot on my friends page, and when they're not, I can still completely relate and understand. Thanks for friending me and letitng me glimpse and interact with some small part of your life. I hope next year goes better for you at school and that you enjoy it a little more. Take care!
donteatlegos, my crazy artsy friend. Thank you for all the times you've stopped by to chat this year! Your smile, your discussion, and your creative style all inspire me on some level or another. It's been great talking with you this year and seeing how things go. I hope your summer goes well and that you come back just as lively and activee as ever!
ellessidil, thanks, as always, for making me "question." I haven't conversed with you in a while but it doesn't diminish the fact that I'm grateful for your influence, not only in my life but in Kaguya's as well. Maybe we'll get to see you over the summer. I hope Alabama is being good to you!
eruantaliel87, thanks for being one of the coolest incoming students this year! Seriously. You prove that there is some hope for this year's freshman class. Thanks for being bright, bubbly, and compassionate and caring. Things may get you down, but you always seem to pick yourself up--and you're always picking up others too. You're wonderful. I can't wait to see you again next year!
eternalme, it's been so long, and I doubt I'll see you much over summer. But it's true as your msn name says: "A Day Without Amanda is like a Day Without Sunshine!" So true, so true. You have the most beautiful smile--it lights up your whole face--and it's always crazy-fun and lots of laughter when I hang out with you. You put people automatically at ease, make them comfortable with you and, more importantly, with themselves. You've got awesome potential and awesome drive to do what you want in your life and career, and I can't wait to see where you go from here. Thanks for being such a fun and awesome friend. I love you, Amanda.
funmintchocolat, you are one of the highlights of my year! Thank you so much for being so active in the hallway and such a good and wonderful friend! If it would be fair of me to give out a "resident-of-the-year" award, it would totally go to you. You've been absolutely amazing and I can't thank you enough. When hall project attendance was getting me down, I knew I could always count on you to be there and make it even more fun, and when I needed a Buffy partner, you were there. Thanks for "double dates" watching movies in my room with Stephen and Alec, and thanks for just being generally incredible and fun and compassionate. You're wonderful!
genaminna, I still expect that damn watermelon at graduation, dude. Only a year left, and then you owe me bigtime! Nah, I could never hold you to that. You've already contributed so much to my college years! Thanks for being there, and for Wednesday lunches and DBZ nights. Thanks for joking around with me, letting me talk when most others would not, and making Almma as fun and enriching as it is. You rock my socks off, girl.
gerbilpoet, thank you for being an adopted resident this year! You've helped so much and brought new elements of FUN and accomplishment to the hall projects you've attended. We couldn't have made all the sun catchers without you! Thanks for being there to take part in our activities and visit the hall, and for just generally adding an extra smile wherever you go. You are awesome! Thank you for just being you. ^_^
immortalshadow, one of the people to whom I can never say "thank you" quite enough. You are always there to save me, to listen to me, to talk to me, to call me, to pick me up when I'm down and raiser me higher when I'm upright. My life has truly been most blessed thanks to your presence in it. *HUGS*
kagu, the longtime-running "best friend." Thanks for always lettin' me crash at your house, dude! Thanks for feeding us and taking us in, for being one of the most fun people to just chat and hang out with. I rarely have as much fun as when I'm with you.
katie1121, thank you for your influence not only in my life, but in my sisters. I don't think you understand how much they look forward to seieng you and hanging out with you. Your patience with them is extremely admirable. I can't say it enough. Thank you!
lovebug02, thanks for all that you do! With my couin, firstly and foremostly, but also with your daily mannerisms and interactions in my life. Thank you for your ever-hopeful and usually-chipper lj entries, which always brighten up my day, and your generous comments in my own livejournal, which fill be with optimism and reassurance. You have a great gift of compassion and comfort. I can't wait to see how far you go in this life!
misstmuse, another one of my favorite residents (hush, don't tell that I have ffavorites!). Amazingly, you got on that list without attending more than one or two hall projects! ^_^ Why, you ask? Well, for your nurturing personality, your kindness and your empathy. Not everyone has those qualities, my dear, and they shine from you. You make everyone feel at ease and welcome. You take the time to converse, you show people you care, you convey their importance to them and take no-one for granted. These are only a few of the qualities that make you such a blessing. Thank you, my dear! I shall miss you next year!
mr_authority, dude, I have not heard from you in a long while. I know you can't have fallen off the face of the internet. I just hope everything is all right. Anyway, thank YOU, sir, for being one of the most welcoming brothers-in-law I have ever met. I still feel a little awkward around the whole family (I don't even know how that's possible, since everyone has gone out of their way to make me feel comfortable) but there's a certainlevel fo reassurance when you're there. Thanks for seeking me out on the internet and keeping in contact with me. It really means a lot and it makes things a little easier, as far as adaptation and comfort levels go. You know, you really are a great guy. You reach out to people in ways that they might take for granted. I hope you understand the impact that you have on peoples' lives and that, even if they say nothing, you ARE very much appreciated--for your humor, your ability to put people at ease, and your tendency to reach for them and draw them out, bring them in. Even if I didn't feel I was a direct recipient of your--well, amazingness--I would still be thankful for just having witnessed it. You're kinda inspiring, Tim, in that you lead by example and show people what we hould all do--put ourselves on the line sometimes and reach out to each other.
msushorty, one more on the list of FANTASTIC COUSINS. What would I have done without you? I looked up to you so much as a kid. And you...wou were patient with me, kind, playful, and funny. Kind of amazing when you consider I was probably an annoying kid--how many years younger than you? So thanks. For your patience and kindness, and also for your continued presence in my life. I love you!
odiouskangaroo, I don't even know if you still read this, but I make sure to read your entries. I know we haven't actually conversed in a long time, but you were always so supportive to those of us involved in the crazy drama a couple years back. You really showed how to show your care for people while maintaining a distance from the stupid fighting and craziness that was actually happening. That's not somehting a lot of people can do, and it's greatly appreciated by your friends, the people who you manage to support and show interest in while still not getting caught up in pettiness. Thanks for being a leader in that sense, and for teaching us all how to be loving and caring without perpetuating petty drama.
phantombreeze, I haven't seen you around in a while, and I've missed you! Isn't it crazy how two people who've never really met can share some of the same thoughts and ideas, the same problems and solutions and philosophies? Thanks for being the superinteresting, incredibly compassionate, and uber creative person you are. It's been so wonderful to get to know you and be able to compare notes and find someone who can understand--perfectly--what I'm saying and thinking!
randall_jhen, most importantly, thanks for taking care of allicat. She's a wonderful girl and she is so happy with you. I think you bring out the best in her. I have only one request, which I'm sure you already do naturally: don't just take care of her by helping her and holding her, but teach her to be strong too. I'm so glad you two are together, and I'm so grateful for all you've done for each other--and also for the occasional comment or debate you leave for me in my own or in Alli's journal! It's nice to have an intellectual conversation!
rig, it's been a long time since I've spoken to you as well, but it's always good to hear [or read, as the case may be] what's going on in your life. We've had some great conversations in the past. Thank you for the time we've shared,a nd thank you as well for showing you unfailing faith. You may not think of it as such, but remember, we're called to fight for our faith every day, to make the daily and constant decision to believe and follow. You've shown how you can overcome the rough times with your faith. Thank you for being so strong.
slashcard, thanks for being awesome! I don't know how often you check lj anymore, but hey. I'm so glad I got to see you at the wedding, and I hope everything is going well for you. Thanks for being an all-around good friend--not just to me, but to everyone. You are a truly great man, and I know you will do amazing things in life and affect those around you in wonderful and inspiring ways. I love you, man, and may the fireflies protect you form the evil caterpilars.
syrennikki, my dear young woman. Thank you so much for always making me feel welcome in your life and in the community! Your visits and chats, combined with the constant invites to dinner, have meant so much to me. I've mised you this spring term. Please take care. Muhc love.
thewhiteheat, did you know I still have that picture of us, age 5, sitting in my family room in Roseville? I think it's the one you used in my yearbook dedication. Thanks for that, for one thing. Every time I think about it, it makes me smile. You're one of the most thoughtful people I know, Mike. I mean, I can tell other people the impacts they've had on my life, and some are quite similar...but you are uniquely thoughtful and considerate. Thanks for being my "husband" and my partner in crime throughout childhood, and one of the best friends I had as a kid. You rock, Mike. I hope everything turns out well for you!
thiscouldbe, the hall has been so empty without your bubbly personality and your openness and bluntness. Thanks for always being ready with a smile and ready to share yourself, both in your time, your faith, and your opinions. It was wonderful to have you on board! I also appreciate all the times you attended hall projects or all halls simply because you knew you'd be the only one there and that otherwise I'd be alone. That really meant--and continues to mean!--a lot to me. It really hows how you put other people first and concern yourself over their comfort and welfare. Please take care this summer and come back to us in the fall!
withyour, you seem so stressed lately. I hope everything is going well. How can I tell you how much I have appreciated long walks through Barned & Noble, Steak & Shake meals, discussions about everything from Gilmore Girls to coffee, and coming back from classes or work to find little IMs that say, "Hi fyre!" I only wish I could be around more so we could actually talk again! I appreciate everything you do, and I hope you appreciate yourself too. *HUGS*
xdarkxfuneralx, another adopted resident. You've been the best! Thanks for all the times you've hung out and watched movies with me (and alec sometimes). Thanks for all the hall projects you've livened up, and thanks for being a fellow Buffy fan! Take care of yourself this year, and come over lots next year. It's been so nice to hang out with you and your woman, to justt chat and relax. There aren't a whole lot of people around this campus who will just come over to munch and watch movies and shows with me, and it's always great to have someone to chill with...even greater when it's you guys! Such hilarity ensues. Please visit next year! I don't know what I will do without you two!
xvampirejx, you have had a huge impact on my life too. PRobably far greater than you can imagine. Your apparent kindness and compasisonate, your empathy and sympathy, have always struck at my heart and made me admire you and love you. I will never not love you. But you have also taught me important lessons in other areas as well, about life, and relationships, and interactions with people. All of it is important, and all I am thankful for. May your summer be beautiful!
In short, thank you all, for everything you contribute to my life.
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