This last weekend, man. Too much drinkin, too much thinkin, not enough eatin. I feel like shit, and I know it's not from the drinkin, or lack of eatin. That only leaves the thinking. My brain is my worst enemy
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So I'm sitting at home and I'm bored as fuck. I start looking at google maps and see what looks like a road that leads through the woods between Tumalo reservoir and Skyliner road. Lets go see what it looks like and maybe find a place to camp this summer, eh?
Last weekend I went to portland. Saw some bands. Saw some friends. Had some Old Mac. Pooped in a truck stop. Good times. I also had a revelation
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I used to have a sweet Honda Civic. I beat the shit out of it and drove it everywhere. Multiple trips over the mountains. Epic journeys to the San Diego Comic-con. More nights than I can count acting as a the sober guy and dropping people off at their assorted houses while hoping no one would puke in the back seat, front seat, or airvents. And the
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New Years was a blast. I can't really say why, maybe it was just the right combination of being completely hammered and seeing old and new friends all in one place. I started out early in the day, mixing my Nalgene o' Screwdriver up and freezing it into a sort of liquor slush. Why do this? Because ice cubes melt and cut the alcohol. Dur. Then it
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