The Big List of Places to Post Teensy Things

Feb 16, 2013 00:00

Okay, well it's not a very big list. But we tried!

Since a lot of female-centric pairings don't have active comms, the mods decided to kick off our Open Posting Week(s) with a helpful list the places where you can crosspost your Ruby/Anna or Gen/Jared fiction and art (or seek out wonderful fanworks already in existence). We only included comms that have been updated in 2012, as much as it saddens us to leave a ruby/castiel and a couple of dean/ruby comms off this list, er, officially, that is. It is generally a good idea to check the rules of any given comm before posting.

For the purposes of this list, we assumed that everyone either knows about or won't have any trouble finding the big, panfandom comms and/or general spn/spnrpf comms for gen or m/m slash. If you think we missed a great comm, comment on this post, PM teensymod or email genteensybang [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, and we'll update!

Although we didn't list tumblr accounts, it's definitely a great place to promote art. If you know a tumblr that takes submissions and should be on this list, let us know. Remember to tag pieces with #spnfanart.  For writers, we definitely suggest uploading to AO3, if only to make downloading easier for your readers.

Now back to LJ!

Character and Pairing-Specific Comms
To avoid driving ourselves crazy, we only listed comms that focus on fanworks about Ruby, Genevieve and/or rare pairs. However, there are comms out there that will take Sam/anyone, Evil!Sam/anyone, Misha/anyone, bottom!Sam/anyone, top!Dean/anyone, thingstiel!Cas/anyone, etc. etc. etc., and they might give you another place to crosspost. Read the rules, though!

Ruby or Genevieve
  • misscortese: A comm for anything relating to Gen Cortese-Padalecki: art, fic, vids, meta, etc.
  • spn_ruby: This comm accepts anything featuring Ruby (in either incarnation) or Genevieve.

  • sam_ruby: A Sam/Ruby shipping community.

  • spn_rarepair: Accepts SPN and SPN RPF featuring a variety of rarepairs.
  • spn_saywut: A comm for rare SPN RPF and FPF ships. Note: it doesn't accept Jared/Genevieve or Sam/Ruby.

Femslash, Het, Threesome/Moresome Comms

  • spnfemslash: What it says on the tin. Post your RPF and FPF femslash!

  • slashless_super: This comm takes SPN gen and het fic and fanart.
  • spn_het: This comm takes het SPN and SPNRPF fic.
  • spn_het_arts: An art community accepting het-centric fanart. SPN and SPNRPF are both okay.
  • spn_rpf_het: We're a big fan of this comm! It's a slash/femslash friendly het comm, which will happily take your Gen/Jared fic with background Jensen/Misha or Alona/Julie (and I'm 99 percent sure it's the only specified het comm that will; it's definitely the only one on this list). It also accepts male/female friendship fic. SPN and SPNRPF.
  • super_real: This comm with accept het and slash RPF so long as Jared or Jensen form half of the main pairing. You can crosspost you Gen/Jared or Gen/girl!Jensen, but not your Gen/Alona.

  • cw_moresomes: A multi-show comm for threesomes and moresomes involving the actresses and actors of the CW.
  • spn_moresomes: This comm is for any and all threesomes and moresomes featuring at least one SPN character or actor. It accepts fic, art and vids.
  • spn_threesome: For your FPF threesome needs.

Ladies-Specific Comms
  • spn_grlskickass: A community that accepts fanfiction, fanart, news, media and meta about the SPN actresses and the ladies who play them.
  • spn_ladies: This new community accepts fanworks, recs, meta and discussion focusing on one or more Supernatural women. It asks for fanworks that emphasize the woman's individual story and character arc, and it accepts genderbent versions of canonically female characters, so your guy!Gen/Jared fic should be good to go.

Genre- and Trope-Specific Comms
Don't forget to look beyond character, pairing and type o'ship comms-genre and trope comms are often a great place to post female-centric stories. It's impossible for us to provide a complete list of such comms, but poking around might reveal an unexpected new place to crosspost. Also, this list gets a bit random. You have been warned.

A/B/O and Knotting
  • a_b_o_ladies: This started out as a panfandom femlash & het ficathon, but has since opened to general posting. It takes lady-centric a/b/o from any fandom, including SPN and SPN RPF.
  • take_the_knot: A comm for knotting and a/b/o fic, which accepts any and all SPN and SPN RPF pairings.

Alternate Universes
  • spn_au: An AU comm for SPN and SPN/SPNRPF crossovers. No straight RPF.
  • spnfanfic_au: This comm takes any and all alternate universe fic, as long as it features a character from SPN or SPNRPF.
  • spn_crackfic: An angst-free place to post your cracky fanworks.
  • j2_spn_fluff: Here, you can post fluffy fluff involving any or all pairings (or not). Note: it doesn't accept art.
  • sn_crossovers: A comm for posting Supernatural crossovers. If you're writing or drawing Ruby and Buffy kicking ass and taking names, take note!
High School and College AUs
  • spn_school_au: This comm accepts all SPN and SPN RPF fanworks taking place in a high school or college AU.
  • spn_hurtcomfort: Most h/c comms are character-specific (i.e., hurt!Dean or hurt!Sam), but this one just says "hurt boys," making it the most general comm we could find.
Kid Fic/Pregnancy
  • spn_kidfic: Accepts fanworks about kids, nestlings, fledglings, eggs and/or pregnancy.

  • purgatory_spn: Dean encounters Ruby in Purgatory instead of Benny? This comm accepts any pairing (or not), so long as Purgatory remains front and center.

  • spn_smut: You wrote a 5,000 word PWP? This comm takes smutty smutty smut, RPS or RPF, slash or het.

The End
  • spn_the_end: Ruby survived to the 2014!future? There's a comm for that.

Places to Rec Teensy Things
No, you shouldn't go around cross-posting your Teensy Bang to every rec community that hasn't banned you yet. But rec comms are a great way to find excellent fanworks ... and reccing a wonderful fic or piece of art is a great way to promote your character/ship/refined taste, etc. Hence their inclusion on this list.
  • rocksalt_recs: A community that assigns volunteer reccers a month/category to put forth their favorites. If you're not ready to sign on for a month, watch out for open reccing months. Even if you don't rec there, it's a great resource.
  • spn_ladies: We mentioned this comm earlier, but it's worth reiterating that it accepts lady-centric recs.
  • spnroundtable: This comm revolves around a monthly schedule. Why not see if you can get in on Week 2''s "Pimp My ...", which allows posters to talk about their niche areas of fandom, or sign up to rec one month?
  • spn_themes: You can't rec things here (the members do that, and membership is closed), but you'll find plenty of good stuff, like this Genevieve-themed rec list, so we thought it was worth mentioning.

!openposting, !resource, !mod post

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