Wonder Gen art by
ghostyouknow27; leave any feedback in the comments!
Open Posting Week is now an exceptionally long week (extending from February 16 to February 28), because the mods decided it would be easier for y'all to participate that way, but whatever. It's bound to be fun! If you guys like this thing, we'll aim to have another one before the end of the challenge.
Update: Open Posting Week is now closed! Masterlist below the cut!
Here are the goodies that were posted to this comm during our Open Posting Period!
A Comprehensive List of Genevieve Cortese/Sam Winchester Recs by
elliemurasakiA list of fics featuring FrenchMistake!Gen/Sam Winchester.
Crossposted to tumblr
The Big List of Places to Post Teensy Things by
teensymod A resource post listing LJ comms appropriate for crossposting Gen- or Ruby-centric fanworks.
The Ultimate Misha/Gen Manifesto by
ghostyouknow27A ship manifesto, combined with a list of Misha/Gen fanworks.
Crossposted to tumblr
here and
Genevieve in A/B/O: A List of Fanworks by
A list of a/b/o fanworks featuring Genevieve.
Crossposted to
Open Posting FAQ
What is Open Posting Week? Weeks? Whatever?
It's not so complicated! This is the time where we celebrate our love for Genevieve and Ruby 2.0 by spamming this comm with squee.
What Can I Post?
Meta, picspams, rec lists, your favorite pictures of Genevieve, your favorite Ruby crack vid, this awesome piece of art you want everyone to see, ship manifestoes, a comprehensive list of every fusion in which Ruby 2.0 plays the role of The Brave Little Toaster.
What Can't I Post?
Your own fic or art, unless it's part of a comprehensive list: You're one of the fifteen people who wrote an SPN/The Brave Little Toaster fusion starring Ruby 2.0.
Are there any other rules?
Yes! We're so glad you asked.
- The content of your post must focus on Ruby 2.0 or Genevieve.
- We'd like you to refrain from bashing. That includes on other member's posts. If you think someone posted the worst recs list of all time, write your own; don't comment to tell them that their taste sucks cheeseballs.
- Please don't post anything featuring real life underage persons. If a picspam shows Jared and Gen, it's fine. If it shows Jared, Gen and their adorable kiddo, we prefer that you didn't post it here.
- If content/trigger/warning lists are relevant to your post, please use them. NSFW images should go behind a cut.
- You can re-post something you've posted to your journal before, as long as it abides by our other rules.
- You can crosspost anything you post here to your own journal or to other comms.
- You must rec at least one fanwork at a time. Recs must include the name of the artist/author/vidder, a link to the fanwork and a short description or summary, as well as the standard character/pairing/rating/fanwork-type information. It's a good idea to tell people you're reccing them. We won't insist on a standard format for posts, mostly because we don't know exactly what we'll get, but try to give readers the usual info.
- Please put long posts behind a cut.
- If it's possible for the mods to do so (as in, we probably can't handle a huge picspam, but we can repost your recs list of five stories), we'll crosspost your post to our tumblr. If you don't want us doing so, please let us know!
- You must join the comm to post.
- If you can't make the open posting dates but have something you'd like to post, comment to this post, PM the mods or email genteensybang [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, and we'll arrange for you to post some other time.
- If you have any questions or don't know if you're post is right for this comm, comment to this post, PM the mods or email genteensybang [AT] yahoo [DOT] com.