It was my birthday. Seventeen. Prime. Most random number, according to hacker's lore. Syllables in a haiku. Maximum number of strokes in Chinese radical. Muscles in the human tongue. The only integer which is equal to the number of prime partitions of itself. Symbolizes the soul.
Solar cycles are applicable here. I didn't notice.
Another new year. Never understood why we celebrated two with only one year passing. Different calenders... The Ox. We're leaving my year. The Rat. I didn't know
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Too little to do. Boredom. Boredom in a world rich with unfamiliar culture and fascinating socioeconomic dynamics. Bored while living in history
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What is says about you: You are an elegant person. You appreciate a challenge. You depend on modern technology and may feel uncomfortable without it. Others are amazed at how you don't give up.
Received a primitive communications device. Cellular.
Operative. Said they'd find me. Started a song. Didn't let him finish. Didn't want to hear. Won't stop. They won't stop. They don't. They're incapable. Wired into their brains. Hunters. Alliance. Lions. Everywhere.