Title: Possibilities Rating: K+ Word Count: 511 Notes: For comment_fic, for this prompt (posted there, but then edited and posted here after I noticed tense errors, which are my absolute least favorite typos to make). Takes place during "The Hard Part".
For this prompt at comment_fic: Supernatural & Any, Any, Five crossovers that make sense, and one that's out of left fucking field. It ran a bit long to leave in a comment or two, so I'm putting it here instead
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Title: Ancient History Rating: K+ Word Count: 848 Notes: Written for comment_fic, for the prompt: Supernatural/Greek Mythology, Gabriel &(or/) Eris (Winchesters optional), who do you think got him started as a Trickster? I was going to leave it there, but I was persuaded to post to spn_gabriel and thought it could use a quick once-over.
So, rather than being sensible like everybody else who saw 5.14 and thought "omg I have to fix it!", I saw 5.14 and thought "you know, this could be worse."
This is not a "My Bloody Valentine" fix-it fic. If there was such a thing as a "make it worse" fic, this might be it. Or it might not. I think you can decide.
Title: They have changed me, and I am not the same man Challenge: 10 - lines 10-12 of Who Understands Me But Me (spn_30snapshots) Word Count: 964 Rating: T Notes: This takes place during the equivalent of "When the Levee Breaks" in a Supernatural AR I'll be using this challenge to develop.
Hey there! There's a reason I left my fic journal as the place for you to check out--my proper journal is friends locked, and that kind of thing doesn't work out well for exchanges.
Title: Requires Further Research Challenge: prompt_in_a_box Round 19, #34: No, this trick won't work... How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Word Count: 930