HE DRANK IT!! He drank it all! It was the girl's fault, but now the baby will be soon! The boy is a fool, but the girl is to blame!! STONE HER! It's wicked, WICKED
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Um. Glorfindel? Wanna talk to Momma and tell her what was in the bottle? Or... *grabs a duck and holds it up* Here. Tell the duck. The duck is your friend. *smiles complacently and looks around for a tranquilizer*
::vapidly stern:: Well, I told you, Celeborn. Bela's pregnant! It's the girl's fault. I said he drank the special special juice. From the ceremony! We kept leftovers in case it didn't work. The boy drank it, so I called the ducks. There were no ducks or cupcakes then. In the ceremony. Sad.
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