I've been meaning to dole out thanks for a while. Kittens, Fate, Santa Claus... you know who you are. Never again will I want for a mug, and that's the way I like it.
*sips coffee out of a white mug with several red hearts and the word "Flirt" in red printed on it*
Although... one of these things is not like the others.
I'm going to start working on the column after this case is wrapped up, so submissions to Love Doctor Godot are officially closed. I've picked out the most amusing awkward intriguing few letters I received--out of dozens, of course.
[sips coffee]
I can't wait. Can you, Memento Eden?
[[Private]]Unforgivable... I guess some kittens are more like
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen. The Love Doctor is in. Or will be in in a few months, with the newspaper. But in the meantime, all questions for the romance column go to me. Lay them on me like an antique quilt on a sick child.
[[Er. Same deal as Shu for all intents and purposes. Comments screened.
Damn She was entertaining. And some of her "fans" are getting overzealous. Last case was an assault against someone who was acting a little too relieved. Pointless...
Another open and shut case. Isn't there a decent defense attorney on this rock? Or at least a clever criminal? A battle in a courtroom should be... more than this. Exhilarating! A surge stronger than the caffeine from your twelfth cup with every objection!
At least Trite had a knack for turning things around.