Because I'd prefer to keep these in their specific journals.
Kilik speaks to Ikki, Simca, Akito, Kaito, Ringo, and Sora. Kilik is a dumbass with Axel; however, he's a properly condescending dick with Emiri! Fic criticism with Megumi. May
This is called an intro post. Sora is an idiot. I don't have a good descriptor for this, but man, Ine is hot. There's a brief thread with someone about noise. I think I dropped it. I had it with Roxas, too. Oh, well.
Kilik and Shoutabait in a tree. Kilik and Joshua joint post. Kilik doesn't like Joshua. Kilik's truth. This thread is sad. Making gunpla. Otheeeeer half. BEGINNING OF LOVELESS WEEKEND. Sora and Kilik beginning for fight. Loveless weekend fight vs. Cielo and Kuhn (WIN). June
Judging the ATards' training (getting Buccha thrown at him). Kilik makes fun of Sora. Speaking to Ringo. Discussing Ikki's idiocy with Ringo. Sandwiches post. >| at Sora. Three second thread. Shared post with Takuma. July
Kilik is pessimistic about leaving. Doth not like Bob's dick. Unimpressed by Hibari. Questioning happiness. Being an ass to Yamamoto + Sheryl thread. Deageing post. Face getting stuck post. VOLCANO ON FIRE. August
Ageing back up. Insulting Sheryl and Basara. But uh, liking Basara's song! Library thread with Miharu + Sheryl + Simca + Raimei. Sheryl and Basara threads in Basara intro. Sheryl is getting sick! Blah blah blah Kilik is an ass. Blah blah blah more Sheryl insulting. Fun with Zexion and Agito. TAKEUCHI SORA!!! Thread with Sano and Kazu. Welcoming Mikan. AND LOOK. MY BIKE. >((( MY BIKE IS NOT COMPENSATING. WHAT ARE YOU COMPENSATING WITH YOUR BROTHER, HUH? Naked dreams~~~~~~~~ POINTS TO RIBS! September
SHERYL IS IN THE HOSPITAL. sob the sky. hello ... understanding with sheryl? Haircuts are serious business. Post: GOSSIP GIRL WATCHING. October
MAZES SUCK! She needs more clothing! November
Simca and mistletoe. Sora and mistletoe. Continuation. Christmas gifts that aren't gifts. >(