Tyrol is the capital city of Balfour, a fictional country in the heart of Europe. It houses a population of around 12,000, with the number swinging ever upwards with each Other that comes through the gates.
Tyrol is built in a large oval, with the King's Hold at the very center. The Citadel sits at the Northeast corner, and the Golden Hour against the wall to the West. There are four gates to the city, one at each cardinal point. They're closed at dusk and opened at dawn every morning.
You can find a map of the city
here. As more named locations are added in-game, we'll add them to the map.
Other Towns & Cities:
+ Tartessos, a southern port city. Tartessians are considered baser than most and looked down upon by Balfour's high society.
+ Saltigos, a small village east of Tyrol.
+ Blomgren, a village north of Tyrol.
+ Daressa, a moderately-sized township in western Balfour.
+ Neraglos, a moderately-sized city in northeastern Balfour.
+ Olsec, a salt mines town west of Tartessos.
+ Druze, a village between Tyrol and Blomgren.
+ Aix Mazarine, a seaside town and trading port which has long been under Bercator influence.
+ [add]
Other Named Locations:
+ Inanna's, the brothel run by
Shiri Qattawi.
+ The Coil, a popular tavern with rooms for rent.
+ The Black Pine Inn, an inn and restaurant in a nicer section of Tyrol tended by
Sallah Arisawa.
+ Fox'n'Crown, a tavern near Inanna's owned by
Owen Carter.
+ [add]
[[We'll add named locations as they're mentioned. If your character, for example, runs the Seven Hammers Blacksmith, drop a comment here and we'll add it to the list.]]
The Guard
Ravindra Naran [sergeant]
Belladea "Dee" Cosimo [guard]
Emilian Gray [sergeant]
Rasmus [guard]
Damica Bertrand [lieutenant]
Lev Aguilar [guard]
Anson Marek Kratochvil [sergeant]
Baxter Jeanné [guard]
Diana Stark [lieutenant]
Nikita Kaplinsky [lieutenant]
Ask Helder [sergeant]
Caelus Stark [guard]