Mar 03, 2009 17:11



Just going to put this here now: No matter what, unless you can top him really really really damn hard, Vaan will never wear a shirt. Ever. It will be an epic pilgrimage that is the length of events of Final Fantasy XII to accomplish this very difficult achievement. It took three games for him to change it in FFTA2, okay.

THAT HAVING BEEN SAID: aside from the vest, Vaan does not dress like a hooker. His pants are surprisingly heavy for where he was born and raised, which was in the middle of the desert. He wears these greave-like pieces of armor from his knees down to his feet, so when he walks, it sounds like CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK. He also wears armored gauntlets-sans-gloves over his arms and hands. The only time he removes these is when he sleeps, but he's used to sleeping with the greaves on from traveling during the events of XII. With only his vest on, it's easy to see that Vaan is heavily built with muscle. Most of his muscle strength lies in his upper body.

His hair is usually pretty messy, but most of Vaan is messy-looking so it doesn't seem that out of place. He's very tan, to the point where you can see very thin rings of pale skin surrounding his eyes and nostrils, and his hands are frequently callused and sometimes have engine oil or sand on them. He also has a sword and shield on him most times he's out, unless he's going to the Mess Hall or somewhere people frown upon those kinda things. ... Not that that'll stop him most of the time, but. Also I should note that Vaan is 5'11", making him taller than both Cloud and Squall. Ivalician heights make people freaking giants.

Habits/Mannerisms/Body Language:

Vaan likes to jump around a lot. He'll bounce on one foot, bounce from foot to foot, swing his arms, and roll his shoulders in a single conversation. He acts very antsy. More often than not if he's sitting down, he'll have his feet pressed together and lean forward. Like so. He's not as flexible as Penelo, but does do a lot of unintentional yoga-like stretching. In conversation, Vaan rarely hides anything. If he's feeling awkward or confused, he'll rub the back of his head. If he's disbelieving, he'll cross his arms. If he's happy, he'll grin and laugh and bounce. If he's sad, he'll act like a kicked puppy. VAAN HAS VERY FEW SECRETS THAT ARE OF ANY IMPORTANCE. On that note, if something goes over his head, he'll just stand there curiously, like :? He's not stupid, just occasionally (frequently) naive.

When he's bored, Vaan likes to walk around aimlessly and hum or whistle. Sometimes it'll be off-key. During the time spent traveling with the crew, he learned a lot of things from Balthier -- the one he really takes with him is understanding the mechanisms of airships. Vaan's become pretty good at piloting and repairing damage to his ship. He wouldn't feel like he deserved to be a sky pirate if he didn't know how ships worked. He caught onto these lessons quickly, partially from his experiences as a younger teen. People in Lowtown had things like leaky ceilings and loose pipes a lot. So if someone needed a quick repair done, Vaan would occasionally get a knock on his door to come fix it. Give him a wrench and he can accomplish quite a bit. Vaan's not averse to touching, but he doesn't always initiate it. It depends on the person. Sometimes he'll walk up to someone and pat them on the back to let them know he's there, or ruffle someone's hair. The only one he actively hugs and drapes on is Penelo. Cuddly sky pirates are cuddly. :|b

Current Residence:

The XII cabin, and the cockpit of his airship, the Kohoutek. (Not-canon; this is the small ship he pilots before the Galbana, which he acquires in Revenant Wings. Points if you spot the reference)

Typical Daily Routine:

Vaan has to be at the Mess Hall in the morning, but he's usually so tired that he just slumps over at one of the tables and stays there until noon, where he wakes up with sleep marks on his face and asks for lunch. He does check up on his friends -- he sees Penelo, Ashe, Larsa, and Basch just to say hi at least once a day. He's also checking up on Yui these days. Then there's the requisite check-up on airship status... and that's about all the routine there is! \o/ After that, he likes to explore. Everywhere he can. Like, he'll go to someone's cabin and knock on their door and be all HI 8D. Vaan likes to do something different every day, if he can. Sometimes he'll go out and earn EXP from zombies (but they give crappy loot so he does this less often) or fly his ship around. He's already explored most of camp from air, but flying does make him feel a little more like home. Or he'll like. GO TO THE LIBRARY and ask people whatcha reading huh huh is it any good huh and generally be annoying. 8)

Favorite Haunts:

The Mess Hall, the Kohoutek, any random part of camp he finds himself in.

Do they make their own bed?

Nope! Penelo does that. |D

Raphael Eugénie Gale Delita


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