Title: Off the Stage (4/14)
Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)
Rating: PG-13 (eventually NC-17)
Characters/Pairings: Van Hansis/Eric Sheffer Stevens
Summary: Future fic. What happens off the stage when Van and Eric meet again?
Warnings: RPS. If you are offended by the idea, please do not read this story.
Disclaimer: Complete fabrication, never happened, never
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Comments 55
Keep up the brilliance.
"Were you in Fool for Love?"
That's right -- I'm still pretending this was for me. ;)
She had especially noticed a longing in Van’s performances.
Oh Van...how I long for your longing...
He opened his mouth and shot a glance at Van. The younger man shook his head no, and Eric's mouth quickly closed.
So attuned to each other! More meltiness...
"You're just shocked to see me act that way with a woman." Van emphasized the last word with a gentle bump of his shoulder to Eric's.
Shoulder bump! ♥
A quick laugh, a dirty joke, the joy Van had in so much of his life was something Eric had always found contagious and a little off-putting. When Van was like this, Eric felt every one of the nine years separating them. He couldn't then and he definitely wouldn't now understand why that bothered him so much.
"Yes," he finally murmured. Instead of saying: It felt so odd to kiss someone other than you.
I am a melted mess over every word of this. Every. Word.
The redhead ducked his head, and a nervous laugh escaped his lips. One more thing he'd have to remember when his love interest was another man. "Right."
GUH. Uhm, yeah, damn.
I loved that scene between Van and Mia and how Van focused on Eric, making Eric forget his cue. I'd pay money to see this play acted out by Van and Eric.
This was, once again, a wonderfully written chapter<3. I'm glad RPS is allowed again, so I won't miss any of your updates. XD
But this! This is wonderful, and very believable...
But anyway, it's more like, you've made the story so real, it's like an "Eric and Van" from another universe or something...:)
Don't know if this makes any sense, but I do know that I'm anxiously waiting to see what happens next!
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