Can't even remember the last time I posted. Farmtown and the villes have taken over my life which honestly is easier to live in. I went to the funeral home to give respect to a friend and felt numb. I think i am becoming numb to the world.
I am just pissed off. It is bs when u can't even check ur email cuz it needs to be loaded every other week. I just need to move all my email to gmail but don't even know how to do that. How fuckin sad am I
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Today I went and had my boobs squeezed, after that I went to Michaels and believe it or not there really wasn't anything I needed. After that I went to Longs and then to the dollar tree
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Today was better than yesterday and if things fall in order then tomorrowwill be even better. This may not make sense to any one else but me. Well ok then, bye