So, I've been letting a friend and her brother stay on my property as long as they paid something towards utilities. It's a minimal amount. I know this because I've been asking around and hearing what other people are taking as reasonable...and it's way less than anyone else would even consider
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OK, I read a lot of fanfic. Mostly Buffy, Firefly and VM with a smattering of moonlight and Andromeda. For the most part it's interesting to see how authors manage the plots and the pairings and it's always fascinating when authors manage to plot their way to a pairing you never would have thought of on your own
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When I come to the end of all things May it happen Mercifully let it happen Like a drop of rain Falling Alone and complete To a pool Dark and fathoms deep Making only One silent splash Ripples fade away And there is only Darkness Silence And nothing more.
So, I was reading an interview with Michael Weatherly and he was talking about how Dark Angel became less popular after his character and Jessica Alba's character got together. Now, I have a couple of problems with that
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Sometime in the last couple of weeks I had a dream. I meant to remember it but it had slipped away, like dreams do, until a friend made a comment that reminded me
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It's DVD season. All the TV series I didn't manage to follow online are now netflixing to me and it's interesting. I read a lot. And when I say a lot most people say too much. But really, if you aren't reading at least a book a day you're not really trying
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