Whatever happened to Gerald and the Crafty Quilters? Does anyone else remember the days when they were ever so popular?
Today my friend told me that Brancusi composed a lot of pentatonic music. True? Probably not, considering that friend's habitual lies. But interesting nonetheless.
I saw a guy today whose O-sign was bigger than the donut in his stiff hand. He had been jacking around in the park when he got jammed up and peaced out of that place. So he stole some cake and gave it to this slimy jackal who pulled out a gun and shot him. That's how he ended up how he is now.
Whatever you do, avoid turning into a giant cockroach, as I have unfortunately done. Don't believe me? On my honor I swear. But since this is via the computer and not an across-the-table conversation, you'll never know for sure, will you?