OOC: Masterlist of Ruka Activity 01: September / October, 2008

Jan 01, 1999 00:00

FUCKING DONE FINALLY AUGH. Screw the memories. Track Ruka here:

September, 2008

09-29 [Atem #1]: Ruka arrives! --
Meet Atem #1 (antiatemu | Anti / "Petard"), and he's sick and she's lost. Way to go, team.

09-29 [POST]: {This definitely isn't the Duel Stadium} --

Jack #1 | kingofrefuse ["Jupiter"]: Only cares about Yuusei; Professor Frank is all right, though. Hooray!
Godwin | magnificent_god: Rua's not here. Introduction of concept of 'worlds'.
Divine #1 | divine_arcadia: Dressing room! It's a horrible place. Also, we're totally friends (but what's his name?).
Yuugi #1 | mooncurse ["Wuffles"]: Has no idea who anyone is; blush at physical contact because they're kids. A START OF A WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP.
Reiko | kitamorireiko: She doesn't know what a security marker is; therefore, she can't possibly help.
Yuusei #1 | tacitaerolite ["Polaris"]: OMG YAY. Yuusei gives the whole story as to the dressing room, and Invitation to Live Together #1.
Mokuba #1 | notthecuteone: You're not related to Noa, right? Well, then, let's be friends! ANOTHER FRIENDSHIP! +2!!
Bakura #1 | kidofkulelna ["Floret"]: Yay bears.

09-30 [Jack Atlus #1]: You're very tall
Jack's been hit by the K-Virus. Ruka is not impressed.

09-30 [Aki #1]: Awkward
Introduction regarding Divine. Aki (kurobara_majo) and Ruka sort of edge around each other, which pretty much sets the tone for their relationship.

October, 2008

10-01 [Necrofear]: Zombie Goats and ice cream!
Ruka meets Necrofear (shinymetalboots), and learns about Darkness (the Zombified Goat that possesses people), the impermanence of death, brain snakes, floor directory, and AN AQUARIUM? Ruka adopts Necrofear as a proto-mother figure, and they eat ice cream. Ruka doesn't eat sweets often, but is a sucker for them.

10-02 [Yuugi #1]: Kittens!
Ruka meets Yuugi's kitten, slips up about cards and spirits, doesn't recognize Magic & Wizards as the precursor to Duel Monsters.

10-02 [Haga]: Bug-collecting
Ruka helps Haga (mothsarecute) rescue bugs.

10-02 [POST]: To the aquarium!

Kitty Juudai | juukitty ["The Cat"]: He is a Juudai and he is a cat. (Mostly notable as now Ruka always says "Oh, Juudai, I've met one of him. He was a cat.")
Parsley the Lion | herstuffedlion: Leonie's lion. They talk about Leonie and the exhibits.
Divine #1: Behold, it's Divine, totally stalking Ruka to the Aquarium. Their conversation is interjected by Parsley, but moves on without him: Ruka is a little worried at being expected to be anywhere, but she and Divine talk about her stay here thus far, and eventually they get on the subject of the Fortune Cup, and Psychic Duelists. Ruka freaks out over being compared to Aki, but the day is saved when Yuusei #1 intervenes. Yuusei and Divine have an verbal sparring, and the fact that Divine insults Yuusei rubs Ruka the wrong way. After leaving, Yuusei invites Ruka to stay with him. Yay. They talk about her duel with Professor Frank, and Ruka tells Yuusei all about Ancient Fairy Dragon and other PLOT THINGS. Ruka has a place to sleep. Yay!
Kisara | agent_bewd: Kisara the Mech pilot! This thread takes place after the post below this. Ruka has fish (Fluffy and General Fiercekins), Kisara has a fish (Slipstream), and for some reason Rua has a turtle.

10-02 [Kisara]: Security?
Ruka meets Kisara, the Mech pilot! There is confusion and interaction. Are we dead? Maybe.

10-06 [Kuriboh]: Duel Spirits!
Ruka meets Kuriboh (kuriii), the duel monster! They talk about Blue Eyes White Dragon (and Ruka wonders if said dragon might be one of the plot-important FIVE)

10-06 [Fubuki #1]: He swims like a porpoise!
Meet the merman, Fubuki (mer_fubuki | "Aquamarine"). Not much happens here besides ooohing over aquatic acrobats.

10-07 [Leonie]: And what's your name?
Ruka meets Leonie (milleniumstar), who has an extremely severe case of amnesia. Ruka just assumes she can't speak Japanese, and so teaches her the girl's name, and they look at cards.

10-07 [Diabound]: More tall things
Nothing much here, either, other than HELLO TALL DUEL MONSTER (diaboundo).

10-08 [Haou #1]: Decks
Ruka meets her very first Haou sparkingosiris ["Sparky"], who's a woman. This thus makes any future mentions of Haou very confusing for her. They talk about deck strategy a bit.

10-08 [Leonie]: Post-Amnesia
Leonie's miraculously recovered her memories, and still remembers Ruka. Yay! What madness is this, there are no female characters in YuGiOh! They plan a slumber party, and talk about cards.

10-09 [Atem #2]: What's Halloween?
Ruka and Atem #2 (notsopuzzled | Pharaoh / "Glorious God-King") have a discussion regarding Halloween, which is a holiday neither of them understand. NOTICE: THERE IS NO HALLOWEEN IN THE FUTURE orz. Also, Ruka fails to properly explain Neo Domino City/Satellite relations.

10-09 [Puzzle]: Marks
Ruka meets the sentient Millennium Puzzle (god_puzzle)! HOSHIT. It scares her at first, due to its huge effing knife, but after a while of talking Ruka learns more about the history of Duel Monsters, and a bit more about her birthmark. She starts crying when things get too much for her, which is when Yuusei #1 comes in for the rescue.

10-09 [Leonie]: [the slumber party] -- PLOT POST OF A KIND
Wherein olesia decides to make Ruka's powers go haywire. Ruka reads Leonie's deck (which is made by/from Mr. Trueman (obstinate_truth) from GX, who is basically made out of cards), and gets severely ill due to the fact that there were something like forty cards all with one extremely pedo spirit behind them. Ruka tries leaving, Leonie finally concedes, and they head off to return Ruka to Yuusei's room.

10-10 [Aki #1][Divine #1]: Sickness and Health -- CONTINUING PLOT POST OF A KIND
Only for that to go horribly awry here. Ruka collapses in pain while the Aki #1 / Black Rose Witch watches from a distance. Soon, there is Divine Intervention, at which point Ruka is abducted kidnapped taken to her room and poisoned drugged fed some soup. Divine proves he's also at least moderately psychic, and they talk briefly about Aki, Yuusei, Signers, and psychics. Ruka is hesitant to trust, but mulls everything over.

10-10 [Haga]: Ladybugs
Nothing of importance here. Ruka finds ladybugs, and then promptly drops the thread.

10-12 [Yuusei #1]: Halloween Candy
Reuniting with Yuusei over grocery shopping! Ruka feels guilty for disappearing, but Yuusei doesn't seem to mind. Awesome guardianship there, Yuusei. Apologies and promises and DEFORMERS CANDY WHAT.

10-13 [Leonie]: Breakfast Therapy
Leonie has romantic problems! Ruka helps by using her knowledge of CHILDREN'S TRADING CARDS. Funny how that works out.

10-13 [POST]: Ruka in the card shop
Ruka is looking for Ancient Fairy Dragon, with almost no luck. In the interim, she runs into:

Yami no Yuugi #1 | nameless_king ["Skeeball"]: He calls her out on scouting the decks. Too bad she's not actually picking them up to weigh them. Curious.
Kuriboh: Someone has a crush on Blue Eyes White Dragon. Ruka teases.

10-13 [Rua #1]: REUNION
Rua #1 (deformerskid) arrives in tears, Ruka reunites with tears, then they kinda get interrupted by Yubel (terribledragon). Hi, Yubel. This is when Ruka learns that Juudai is not supposed to be a cat, Haou is not supposed to be a woman, and they're essentially the same person. Woo.

10-14 [Johan #1]: Another Spirit-Seer!
Ruka finally meets someone who can see Duel Monster Spirits, Johan #1 (iridescent_iro | "Antique Brass"). Joy! They talk about that, Rua, and other things. Hello, New Older Brother Figure. Ruka adds him to her collection.

10-14 [Mana]: Vandalizing pots
Ruka tries to save Mana (mahou_mana) from the horrible fate of being Marked by Security, before realizing there is no Security here. Oh yeah. Discussion about family.

10-16 [Rua #2]: REUNION. Wait, didn't we do this already?
Meet the second Rua (dial_on). They instantly get into an argument. After a moment, Rua explains that he arrived when a BIG RED DRAGON appeared, and Yuusei, Ruka, and Jack were all gone. Oh noez.

10-17 [Atem #3]: Nightmare voice
Atem #3 / Itna (umetaitna) ["Dud"] has relationship problems. "Is double-double a vampire?"

10-19 [POST]: {This can only end with bad news}
Ruka goes wandering off in search of Ancient Fairy Dragon, and fails -- with company along the way!

Leonie: I'm sorry I got sick from your deck! I don't need your help finding my card! Otherwise known as Proving Ruka is a Crap Friend.
Johan #1: JUUDAICIDE. Crap. By the way, death isn't that permanent, and Johan may suck with comforting children, but he's still a good friend. RUKA SHOULD LEARN FROM THIS. And yet she gives awesome friendship speeches. Obviously a main character, this one.
Fubuki #2 | spikingtruth ["Beryl"]: This one controls temperature. And also is a woman.
Godwin: Eep. Godwin is talking to her! Ruka's a bit wigged out, but then Yubel interjects. Yay. Rescued by dragons!
Mokuba #1: Lots of stuff. Mokuba invites Ruka to go trick-or-treating, Ancient Fairy Dragon is really rare, and somehow Ruka's more likely to tell him stuff than Leonie. Guess that whole broken deck really messed with Ruka's head. This is also the thread that establishes the PORTABLE MAP KIOSKS that more people need to take advantage of. Oh, and we have a hazmat suit store.

10-19 [Atem #2]: Color theory
Pharaoh doesn't believe in Orange. Ruka has crayons. (The funny part is that Pharaoh banned people from wearing orange, specifically, during the Halloween posts. Whoops). Also, gift economy: it sounds like taxes, woe.

10-20 [Mokuba #1]: Halloween trap
Let's put microchips into the Rua boys, too! Also, there is no Robin Hood in the future (unless he's secretly Celtic Guardian), and future computers are way more awesome.

10-20 [Dark Magician]: Woo, more duel spirits
Ruka recognizes this monster (dark_magic_atk)! And proceeds to fangirl a little. Ruka asks for saving-duel-monster-world advice, gets none, and proceeds to make Dark Magician worry due to the fact she hasn't seen Yuugi #1. Whoops.

10-21 [Yuugi #1]: Recovered Yet?
Yuugi's just gotten back from the Rift, is highly traumatized, and Ruka's trying to be a good caretaker. To the clinic they go.

10-23 [Yuugi #1]: Still Recovering.
Ruka visits Yuugi #1 in the clinic, and gets to meet Yami no Yuugi #2 (puzzleshade | "Shuffles") and Puzzle again. Awkward. Ruka's never played Clue, but she brought ice cream! And card games! And blushes! Ruka has a crush~♥ And Yuugi has a crush, too. Silly children eating ice cream and playing board games and smiling at each other. it's just a cuteness overload guys.

10-25 [Stardust Dragon]: We're breaking the 4th wall today, kids.
First of the olesia-hino threads of EPIC LENGTH, this time with Stardust Dragon (clusteringwish). The fourth wall is broken to shards here. Which thereby makes this more like a real crack dressing room than an RP. "Yay, wanton destruction!" With cameo appearances by Aki #1, assyriancatgirl, Divine, Godwin, and God (kaztakahashi).

10-27 [Yuugi #1]: Finally released, and the boardwalk~
Yuugi gets out, so the first thing to do is go to the arcade! At the boardwalk! They spend most of the time being nervous and drink soda. Also, Ruka has a Black Rose Dragon toy.

10-27 [Mokuba #2]: This one is a furry
Ruka promised Mokuba #1 that she'd help round up any others she found for tagging. Meet Mokuba #2 (mokoon), who might be part raccoon.

10-28 [Necrofear]: Upcoming Halloween
Ruka wants to be a witch for Halloween!

10-29 [Johan #1]: Lutefisk
Ruka can't pronounce foreign words, but she and Johan #1 should go pranking! (Which never happens)

10-31 [Various]: Halloween Ball!
Unaccompanied Minor Alert! She meets up with Mokuba #1 and Godwin, and later on Yuugi #1 (who thinks she looks good as a witch. >_> Also mentions of Trueman, and -- though Ruka has never actually met that guy, she's veeeery hesitant about him), Bakura #1, Rua #1 (Had this last thread gone on, Ruka would have shouted things and started crying.), and Aki #1.

*ooc, *ruka stalking

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