Week 2, Day 1
Marco wakes up in Himorogi and is ticked about it. He rants at the Ellimist, unaware the Hitomi broadcasting his little temper tantrum. Thus happened:
Kadaj trolling;
Marco thinking Yukari is bullshitting him;
Iroh expressing concern for Marco's mental health;
And Kiba popping out of nowhere.
- And so fed up with so many people talking to him but not giving him any info whatsoever, Marco decides to go to Hisato, where he thinks is the closest village.
At the gates, he meets Kakashi.
Marco's paranoia gets the better of him. Marco takes off, and goes finds a house. There,
a pack of undead dogs gives him a welcoming party.
Week 2, Day 3
Marco kicks dead doggies' ass, but still finds it better for him to haul his own ass. He hears
Kakashi's message and flew to the cave in owl morph,
meeting Iruka for the first time.