woot for work. er....sort of. Rosie was intensely amused at my flustering over the money. ah well. Rebeccah and I had a money-gasm again, for Katie and Biddy and Ellery, and Katie couldnt look at us, she was laughing so hard. It was hilarious. Particularly cos we were right out there in the cafe. yeap. Customers heard the money-gasms.
attempted working on the book. currently, its named Exerpts, because that's what it is. Exerpts. The point of this first sentence, however, was to say that there was nothing substantial to add to exerpts tonight, save for thoughts about the other night. which are simple ramblings.
concert went a lot better than i'd expected. it was kinda fun! and the finale was great, with Mr Knopf throwing his batan (by accident). he seemed quite happy about the entire thing. other than that... yeah. its pouring buckets outside. i dont like that in the least.