had a great night. Worked with Rebeccah, hilarious as always. It was very difficult to control ourselves. unfortunately, some poor regular happened to be just around the corner while we were discussing rape. whoops
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um, so, not much new. indoor track meeting. drove alaina and taylor home. and i'm here. meditated in religions. it was cool. other than that- -nothing. nothing i'm saying, anyways.
had a long day, a bit tired, and guilty, but dont worry- -not about monday. that was fantastic :D its about courtney. more about Doc. anyways. had work. pierced Krysta's ear (the tragus). Matt let me do it cos when he came back to hang out with Krysta, he was smashed. yay for bad influences! other than that? not a lot. tiiiiiiiiiiired. okay. thats
in high moods. excellent day. presents for people all around- -Cracks, Hamish wants ya. sorta bombed my math quiz, which is a shame, because i thought i'd nailed it. ah well. you win some, you lose some. it wasnt so horrific. and i finished my religions paper. St Andrews...grrr.... other than that? eventful day.