Worm4000: and feelings came back? SittingxxPretty: i guess so. Worm4000: this true Worm4000: oh lord Worm4000: that girl Worm4000: i need to have anotrher talk wit hher Worm4000: about that scum bag fuck tard
brad you are WON-der-ful haha thank you for making me laugh
ugh ive been ignored allll fucking day i am sad my parents today. god. i dont know. they make me sad too until my dad told me about the guy who was screaming " YOU MOTHER FUCKER, PULL THE FUCK OVER!" in the HOV lane. i laughed till my stomach hurt. and it felt really good. i am so invisable.
has anyone ever really seen me. coz no one seems to
so doug and cassie randomly show up on my doorstep lastnight... wow. talk about the randomness of lastnight. shiiiit. haha. so we end up going out and doing shit. basically i came home scared that the kid was really a vampire and was going to bite me. but we gotta go back
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okay, i am soooo freaking happy that osborne beat stonewall.. they supported us, and we won first, then we supported them and they won first. its great. and derrys team got second in their region. im soo proud of him
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