Title: Hope After Betrayal
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Jasper/Bella, implied Alice/Edward, Bella/Edward & Jasper/Alice
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: AU.
Summary: She finds peace with him.
Notes: Written for
twilight100 prompt beautiful and written for
100_tales prompt hope.
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Betrayal Comfort (Part 1),
Betrayal Fight (Part 2),
Betrayal Hurts (Part 3) and
Hope After Betrayal (Part 4).
In Jasper’s arms in the early mornings after nights spent wrapped in heated passions, Bella found hope. As cliché as that might sound, but it was true. She felt hope in his arms and she knew that she didn’t have to worry about him cheating on her. Knew that as much as he knew she would never cheat on him. Not after what their partners who’d they had loved so dearly betrayed them.
Bella moved her head just enough to be able to see his beautiful face, which held a smirk and bright eyes as he stared down at her.