Title: Confession
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Seth/Leah
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Incest.
Summary: Leah confesses to Seth.
Notes: Written for
twilight100 prompt beautiful and written for
100_tales prompt seconds.
...Table... ]
It Was Wrong (Part 1),
Understandable (Part 2),
Want It To Stop (Part 3),
Why Me? (Part 4),
Confessions (Part 5),
Forbidden Pleasures (Part 6),
Finally Together (Part 7),
No Regrets (Part 8) and
Ground Rules (Part 9).
After several agonizing seconds of silence, Seth glanced up. He had to see her beautiful face… even if it would break his heart to see the disgust on her face. What he saw surprised him, though.
He hadn’t expected tears… or love shining through the tears. Leah moved as fast as possible to sit in his lap and wrap her arms around him.
“I love you too, and not in the sisterly way I’m supposed to.” Leah whispered. Hope filled his whole body as he pulled back a little to see her.
“I love you too.”
Grinning, Leah kissed him.