Title: No Regrets
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Seth/Leah
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Incest.
Summary: Leah thinks afterwards.
Notes: Written for
twilight100 prompt beautiful and written for
twilight20 prompt worry.
...Table... ]
It Was Wrong (Part 1),
Understandable (Part 2),
Want It To Stop (Part 3),
Why Me? (Part 4),
Confessions (Part 5),
Forbidden Pleasures (Part 6),
Finally Together (Part 7),
No Regrets (Part 8) and
Ground Rules (Part 9).
Leah snuggled closer to her brother, not wanting to ever let this beautiful moment go. Already worry swept through he body. As soon as they became werewolves again, the others would know everything. She didn’t want that… she wanted this to be theirs only. Besides if anyone knew about them, they would be hated and looked at in disgust. She knew that… Jacob would probably disown them or something. All she wanted was for everyone to accept them.
“I’m sorry you regret it.” Seth whispered, his heart breaking at the thought.
Leah shook her head. “I’ll never regret it, Seth.”