Now I can do that fancy schmancy app stats meme like a cool kid!
Also, I added some stuff because I like to talk.
Filif from "Young Wizards" (
App percentage:
76.5%Played from: 2006-08-05 - present
That's how long?: 927 days
Total comments: 6,005
Overall percentage: 43.93%
Reason for apping: I found CFUD just a few months earlier and thought it looked like a hilarious, cracky place that I would enjoy. So I apped a couple characters. They failed. I sat around and wondered, "What series do I love that has a character SO OUT OF THIS WORLD it might get in? And who has a personality I could play?" And lo and behold, I thought of the tree. And lo and behold, he got in! I still wish I could have seen chan's reaction when the votepost went up.
Select option 3?: ........ idk i'm not a gamer i have no idea what this means. I fondly remember the time he turned into Neville, though. And Ed, though I daren't reread that post. And that time I got back from hiatus and discovered my cast had EXPLODED OVERNIGHT that was awesome. ♥
Mugen from "Samurai Champloo" (
App percentage:
86.2%Played from: 2006-11-05 - 2008-06-16
That's how long?: 589 days
Total comments: 6,022
Overall percentage: 44.06%
Reason for apping: I was having a ball with Filif, but there were some things I just couldn't do as a nonhuman. Participate in Mess Hall posts, for one. Have a conversation that didn't start out with "TREE!!???!11!?" I decided I wanted a human. And I guess I was watching Samurai Champloo at the time, so I figured I'd app one of the boys. I actually considered apping Jin first, because I thought I could play that kind of character better than an explosive firebomb sort (and now look at my app pattern sob), but changed my mind a few days before Friday. "WHATEVER," I said to myself. "IT CAN'T HURT TO STEP OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE." And then LJ whited out when his app went up and I cried a little when I tried to refresh and got a blank page.
Reason for dropping: In the end, the explosive firebomb type overwhelmed me. I kept thinking he needed to be more violent, and beating people up and possibly killing shit, except I, as a player, did not want to say to people HEY I NEED TO KILL YOU TO BE IC 'KAY. Also, SamCham is fairly realistic in terms of battle prowess, and all the high-powered characters he would have loved to fight would have mowed him down. I was like ehhhh. I'd also just kind of run out of steam for him, as is wont to happen to me. So I decided to stop agonizing and just make a decision.
Select option 3?: I am still quite fond of the relationship (hurr hurr) he had with Harley. And Ivy. I like rivalry, what can I say.
Will Stronghold from "Sky High" (
App percentage:
75.4%Played from: 2008-03-30 - 2009-02-16
That's how long?: 324 days
Total comments: 694
Overall percentage: 5.08%
Reason for apping: I WAS BORED. I'd had Filif and Mugen for like, two years without gaining a third, and though I loved them I thought I might want another personality. It turns out I decided to watch Sky High a few days before apps opened. I immediately thought that they cracky aspect of the film would be perfect for camp, although admittedly my first impulse was to app Warren. Then I realized how much trouble I was already having with Mugen, so I decided to go for the little failhero because hilarious fail is one of my great weaknesses.
Reason for dropping: I burned out. :( I am actually surprised he made it almost a year, because he was such a whim app - like, really, I didn't care whether he got in or not. And then he did, so. But he had the weakest ties to camp out of all my others, and after months of barely hanging in there to make activity I decided it was time to drop.
Select option 3?: OCTOBER CFUW GAME oh man it made him so unhappy but I loved it.
Petros Orsini from "Trinity Blood" (
App percentage:
98.0%Played from: 2008-07-12 - present
That's how long?: 220 days
Total comments: 578
Overall percentage: 4.23%
Reason for apping: FAKIR TOPS. End of story.
Well. Okay. I'd been following the TBcast threads vaguely because Seth's character interested me, and eventually got around to reading the manga. And then Genis linked a download to the artbook in chan, and I clicked! And she PMed me to warn me of SPOILERS BEWARE OF SPOILERS in the pages. And I was like, Yes, I know, I already raided Abel's and Dietrich's journals for canon info. Then I confessed to her that I was tempted to app Ion. She told me to app Petros instead. And because he pinged me in the violent moron part of my soul, I could not resist. :(
Select option 3?: ... idk. I LOVE MY CAST.
Zim from "Invader Zim" (
App percentage:
95.0%Played from: 2009-01-18 - present
That's how long?: 30 days
Total comments: 370
Overall percentage: 2.71%
Reason for apping: I was bored with my lineup! I needed someone interesting to get me back into camp's groove, because I was in a great danger of just... straggling behind by the hair of my chin. And it so happened I was rewatching my IZ DVDs during J-Term, and remembered apps opened that weekend and went Oh no. Because once upon a time I had considered apping Gaz, and then I forgot. Also I was slightly intimidated to app a character who'd been in camp twice previously, but I figured that with two years in between incarnations I shouldn't have stage fright too badly. I very briefly considered apping Dib because I wasn't sure if I wanted to play Zim or play off a Zim, but.... no. It's always good to go with your first instinct, because Zim is my soul animal forever, however terrifying a prospect that may be. I wanted to be able to abuse capslock and scream at people at not make sense and be an annoying little creature without any morals. WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT ME I am secretly an awful person.
Select option 3?: He hasn't been in camp that long, but I really enjoyed the hoo-ha thread. Also gawd he could use SO MANY ICONS. I could possibly swap out all his alien icons for disguises, and I'd still use them all. But I love it. I love playing Zim and his expressions and his screams and his horrible, horrible personality.
I've played here HOW long?: 927 days
Overall comment count: 13,669
Average comments/day: 15 comments/day
Shortest kept: Will (324 days)
Longest kept: Filif (927 days)
Most played: Zim (12 comments/day)
Least played: Will (2 comments/day)
Highest percentage: Petros (98.0%)
Lowest percentage: Will (75.6%)
... Also, I really do not do Serious Deep Contemplation before apping. T-they are all like OH WHY NOT. And the Loud Violent Morons all have higher app percentages than the personalities I consider most like mine. I. Yes. The pattern of my soul.