Title: primum mobile, or ten forgotten things
Team: AU, baby!
kirininPrompt: 20. Close your eyes and think of Hogwarts.
Wordcount: just over 4,000
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: The truth: logic isn't in the lump in his throat, in his stuttering pulse. He needs the certainty of his name on someone else's lips, which means he needs
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Comments 124
I really liked this story. Congratulations for a great work.
I find the loss of identity to be both frightening and fascinating. It gives the characters a new start, but at the cost of the old self: it's the give-and-take of any life-change, except it's both sudden and involuntary. The involuntary part is what really gives me the shivers.
One of the harder parts of writing this fic was how much to give the reader and how much to hold back. I'm glad it worked for you!
Thanks for the review,
I loved that they were slowly losing their memories and belongings and had to stick together through it all. I feel like there is so much still from this world you created that we don't know(like is it Voldemort's fault?) It would be nice to see an epilogue or a companion fic to this sometime. But even if there isn't ever going to be one, I really did enjoy this fic. It was so eerie and creepy and fantastic. :)
There's definitely a lot unsaid. It was hard to decide what to include and what to leave out, but I'm glad it worked for you. (Creepy! = Yes!)
A few people have asked for a companion piece, so I am genuinely considering it now. :)
Thanks for your interest in the story!
Beautifully written; I raced through it, anxious to see where they'd end up, and now I'm going back to savor it. What a wonderful TEAM AU contribution!
As far as the ending goes, I meant it to be generally happy - but I understand why others find the ending more ambiguous, or even downright creepy (especially since that's the overall tone of the story.)
Death of the Author and all, but I think that even if H/D forget the time they spent together in school, they will have new memories off of which to build their lives. :)
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