Title: The Boy Who Never Die Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun Rating: PG-15 Summary: Baekhyun was a killer that was hired to kill Chanyeol but he was a boy who never dies.
Title: Sacrificing Love (Chapter 5) Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun Rating: PG-15 Summary: Baekhyun was sold to Exotic as slave and was brought by a man called Park Chanyeol
Title: Operation KIG (Kyungsoo is Girl) Pairing: BBF! Sehun/Tao, hinted! Jongin/Kyungsoo Rating: PG Summary: Objective of the operation is to find out if Kyungsoo is a girl. A/N: Wrote the whole story with my phone.
Title: Sacrificing Love (Chapter 4) Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun Rating: PG-15 Summary: Baekhyun was sold to Exotic as slave and was brought by a man called Park Chanyeol
Title: Western Sky (Part 2) Pairing: Sehun/Luhan, !oneside Jongin/Luhan Rating: PG-15 Summary: Luhan was an angel from the western sky who fell in love with a human on earth.
Title: Western Sky (Part 1) Pairing: Sehun/Luhan, !oneside Jongin/Luhan Rating: PG-15 Summary: Luhan was an angel from the western sky who fell in love with a human on earth.